Page 41 of Shadow Wings
Kamoi glared atme.
Like I care. I smiled back, putting my hand on myhip.
“And your families will also die,” he said. “Understood?”
The pale-faced guard nodded and exited thechamber.
I turned to see Dyter pulling off Tyrrik’s boots. I raced over to help. Grabbing a pillow, I lifted the Drae’s head to push itunderneath.
“Will he be okay, Dyter?” I asked in a low voice. “Shouldn’t he be awake bynow?”
“He came as near to death as is possible for a Drae,” the prince answered. “His healing will be slow, but he willheal.”
“Don’t sound so happy about it,” Imuttered.
The Phaetyn shrugged, saying, “There will be time to care for the Drae afterward. I will see that everything you need is brought here, but my mother, the queen, awaitsus.”
I stole one last look at Tyrrik’s relaxed face, my gut churning at the thought of leaving him vulnerable. My options were limited, and Ihatedthat. Dyter jerked his head to the door, and I nodded, following Kamoiout.
“Your wives and children,” I hissed at the, now, three guards outside. I watched their eyes widen, and I hurried after theprince.
We wound down two more halls before the Phaetyn prince stopped. I bumped into him, putting both of my hands on his back to steady myself.Yep, about as muscular as I expected. I stepped back, rubbing the tip of my nose as he turned around to look at me. I did my best to ignore his small smile, acting as if I’d meant to paw at him likethat.
The smile faded as he took hold of the handle and, with a deep breath, pushed the dooropen.
Dyter and I shared a glance, and he entered; there was something more going on, only I wasn’t sure what. I inched into the room after him, and the scent of stagnant air and illness slapped my senses. Someone needed to open a window and air the place out and maybe offer to bathe thequeen.
Queen Alani lay in the middle of a four poster bed made of polished ash. Her sallow skin was almost as blanched of color as the bedding. Deep purple-blue circles marred the area under her eyes, and her silver hair held no luster. Her thin body was hidden in the folds of the hemp blankets, and she didn’t even stir as we came to stand around her largebed.
Movement in the corner drew my gaze. A handsome man stood there, staring at Dyter and me, gripping a spear though Kamoi’s presence seemed to be holding the man back from advancing. The strange Phaetyn acted like we’d surprised them by entering the room, yet I distinctly remembered the prince telling his sister to go and alert the king and queen of ourapproach.
“Kamoi,” the queen whispered, her dry and raspy voice sounding like rubbingpaper.
Everyone turned to the bed, but I angled my body to keep the unknown man insight.
“Mother,” Kamoi bent and kissed her waxen cheek. “I have some people I would like you tomeet.”
“If this isn’t a good time . . .” I said, eying the door. The queen looked ready to kick it; she was practically decaying in her bed. The Phaetyn outside already hated me. I didn’t even want to contemplate what they’d do if their leader died with me in theroom.
“It’s as good a time as any,” the queen said. “Help mesit.”
Kamoi helped prop her against the headboard, stuffing pillows behindher.
“Are you ill, Queen Alani?” Dyter asked, bowinglow.
“After a fashion, yes,” she said, eyeing first Dyter then me. Her pale lavender eyes were flat andwatery.
Great. Another one of those crypticpeople.
“Mother,” Kamoi said, nodding at the other man. “I traveled to Verald and discovered the rumors to be true. There was indeed another Phaetyn there.” He gestured to me, and I waved. “This is Ryn. She is Drae andPhaetyn.”
The Queen gasped, “Faatasi uma? Leaga lemalaia.”
I frowned at Dyter. “That didn’t soundcomplimentary.”
“Life and death,” the man behind us said. “How is such a thingpossible?”
Why were they acting so surprised? Kamoi tree-talked ahead and told them all this. I held up a hand, which was all I could think of to be polite. No one said anything, so I jumped in and asked the man, “Are you Kamoi’sfather?”