Page 48 of Shadow Wings
He closed the small gap between us and took my free hand in his. I shivered at the contact. The Phaetyn mojo we had going on was pretty strong; deniable but strong. Before I could withdraw my hand, he tucked it into the crook of his arm and, with a slight tug, indicated wego.
I let him lead me through the forest, chewing on the fruit slices. Kamoi explained how the different affinities to plants and animals manifested during childhood and how some developed more powers as they aged. He spoke of the lineage of royalty and the expanded powers those Phaetyn were blessed with. He told me of the peace they had enjoyed for centuries until the Drae and Kings began murdering his people for their healingblood.
“I can’t imagine how that felt,” I said softly. “For the people you’d fed for eons to turn onyou.”
His face darkened, and he stared into the trees for a long moment before giving me a small smile. “Our lives are not all bad, you know. Did you know that each Phaetyn has a tree? The soul of the tree and the soul of the Phaetyn areone.”
“So do I have a tree?” Would I be able to see some things of my life? Would I be able to see my mother as clearly as I had Queen Luna or QueenAlani?
“I don't know,Kealani,” he said and then amended with a blush, “Ryn. I meantRyn.”
I was grateful he at least made an effort to respect my wishes. There was something about seeing a handsome man blush that had my stomachflipping.
“We know you have significant power. But I’m afraid your power may not be enough to win the Phaetyn’sloyalty.”
I blinked as his words registered. Was I trying to win the Phaetyn’s loyalty? I mean, the more the merrier as far as fighting the emperor was concerned. Their healing power would certainly come in useful. Regardless of fighting a war, they should’ve been helping the other kingdoms with growing food so people could eat. Tyrrik’s warning bounced around in my head, planting seeds of distrust. The prince had his own agenda. Tyrrik was right; everyone did. What was Kamoi’s? There was one way to find out. “Hey, can I see yourtree?”
The prince tripped, stumbling forward, and I released hisarm.
Two guards stepped out from behind the trees, and the closest cleared herthroat.
“Your highness,” she said, violet eyes hardening when she met my gaze. She broke the contact and glided up to Kamoi. “Your mother has requested you return, immediately. The rebels have overrun the Circle of the Sacred Tree, and she needs you to lead thearmies.”
The first elm tree I’d touched? My initial impression of the convenience of the guard’s interruption made me wince. Had that been a cover so Kamoi didn’t have to show me his tree? My chest sunk with shame at the thought. I shouldn’t be judging Kamoi so harshly. Maybe asking to see someone’s tree was a big Phaetyn no-no. How would I be if my people were at war? The Phaetyn rebellion wasn’t a convenience for anyone, and he was bound to be a littletense.
“Do you want me to come, too?” I asked. At the very least, I could go Drae and protect those who neededit.
Kamoi smiled at me and scooped my hand in his. Holding my hand gently, he raised it to his mouth and brushed his lips over the top. “You are filled with honor, Ryn. It’s one of your many gifts. There might come a time when your presence will help immensely, but for now, I’ll attend the queen and see what I can do to dissolve the tension.” He nodded at the male guard just inside the tree line. “Harlan, you will accompany Ryn wherever she goes. Do not let any harm come toher.”
I wanted to roll my eyes, but Kamoi was only being protective. I guess I’d lethim.
Kamoi and the female Phaetyn left. Harlan and I stared at eachother.
“I’ll be fine. If you want to go back to the Pink House, that's totally okay with me.” Maybe he’d take the hint and leave mealone.
“I appreciate your kindness, Highness,” he said, the hardness of his features a direct contradiction to his words. “But, my loyalty lies with Kamoi. He has asked me to guard you. Unless someone else from the royal family tells me otherwise, I’ll be with you until you return to the RoseCastle.”
Flip my pancakes. Pink House, Rose Castle. Obviously my politicking skills needed work. And what did he mean that he was going to guard me? Was he protecting me from others or others fromme?
I decided to ignore Harlan and stepped off the path into the trees. I scanned the trunks in front of me, chose the thickest one, and placed my hands upon it. Closing my eyes, I pushed away my thoughts of Kamoi, Tyrrik, and the Phaetyn conflict and asked the tree to share its memories withme.
“What the Drae are you doing?” a young girlasked.
I pulled my hands back from the trunk and turned around. Phew, just Kamini, Kamoi's youngersister.
The young girl was dressed in hemp fibers similar to what I wore, only hers fit as if they were made for her. Her tunic was more of a short dress with a ruffled hem at her knees. Her silver hair was plaited, and she’d pulled the long braid over her shoulder and played with the unboundends.
“It's Kamini, right?” I asked, extending my hand ingreeting.
The young girl looked at my hand, and her gaze chilled as she met mine. “Why are youhere?”
Whoa.The Phaetyn princess was direct. I hadn’t gotten that vibe from her yesterday with her one million emotions perminute.
How to explain to the young girl what was happening in the world outside of the Zivost forest? That it made me sick to know there were so many Phaetyn here who could change so many lives in the realm. There was no way I was going to explain about Gemond and their cannibalistic ways. I thought of Verald and its recent coup. Not at all appropriate for a seven-year-old. I wasn’t going to get into how power-crazy my father was . . . a recount of how he’d tortured the girl’s aunt to try and make a super race wasn’t exactly a conversationstarter.