Page 116 of Black Crown
“Daughter,” he choked.
I wanted no part of him. Especially not his sick mind. “I am no daughter of yours.”
I collected everything left of myself and Tyrrik, and for us and all of those I loved, I blasted my power into Draedyn, wave after wave, not stopping even when his body numbed and his thoughts ceased. I continued to beat him even when his mind was void and his soul had departed to whatever black abyss it might belong. I didn’t stop my assault until every last spark within me knew he was gone.
I rose, my legs trembling, and stood, staring down at the man who’d ruled in terror, his eyes glassy, forever fixed unseeing at the sky overhead. Yet there was no triumph, only a hollow ache in my chest, a void nothing would ever fill.
Turning, I looked at the still form of my mate. My soul reached for him with trembling fingers, searching over and through his body and soul for any wisp of onyx energy remaining. My hunt started tentatively, afraid to confirm, desperate to negate.
Chaos moved around me, sliding through my awareness. Lani dropping to Kamini’s side, a small group of Phaetyn sprinting to Dyter, rings of Gemondians, Veraldians, men, women, kings, and queens gathering in silent circles to stare upon the emperor’s body.
And to witness my grief.
A wracking sob worked up my throat as I stumbled to my mate. Another cry followed the first as I fell to my knees by his side. I ran my hands over his body, my heart rending when my palms rested on his still chest. His silent heart. I threw back my head and screamed in agony. I screamed until my throat was torn raw.
I would scream until my last day in this cold, hard realm.
Tyrrik was gone.
* * *
The intensitywith which the Drae studied me cocooned us, and the rest of the world disappeared.
“You can see me.” Tyrrik studied me, his gaze intense and penetrating. In a low voice, almost to himself, he murmured, “It can’t be.”
I blinked and then glanced around, smiling as I realized our location. We were in Verald, in the courtyard inside Harvest Zone Seven. This was the exact place where we’d first met.
I lifted a hand to my mate’s face. “Of course I can see you. And you can see me.”
He brought his hand up in tiny increments, his expression rapt as he circled the back of my neck. His warm palm connected with my clammy skin, and fire licked where we touched, the warmth spreading from where his hand tangled in my hair, sending tendrils of pulsing energy all over me.
I closed my eyes, basking in his onyx power. I sighed as his dark bands slid and danced over my lapis lazuli swirls, our energies twisting and binding with one another. This was right. This was how we should be. Together. I fell into him, pressing my body against his length.
He ripped his hand back and stepped away, glaring at his palm with a look of betrayal as I fell to my knees.
“Tyrrik?” I said in confusion, getting back to my feet.
He swore long and hard again in the guttural Drae language, shock tinging his voice. But he knew me. He knew me, and I knew him.
I squeezed my eyes closed. “What’s happening, my love?”
“Where are you going right now?” he asked in a different tone. Gone was the shock. Something very different took its place in his expression. His gaze darted behind him, and then he turned toward the fountain, scanning the dry space.
“Where am I going?” I asked, completely confused. “Don’t you mean where arewegoing?”
I blinked and the memory disappeared, swallowed in a heavy gloom, and Tyrrik pinned me with his dark gaze. He shook his head, his lips turning down in a sad look of pity.
I rubbed my chest, trying to rid myself of a hollow ache spreading through me.
“I know where I am,” my mate said.
My love.I reached for the bottom of his black aketon, fingers shaking. Why was he talking like this? “You’re here with me,” I whispered urgently. “You’re right here.”
He untangled my fingers, brushing gentle caresses over my skin as he removed my hold on him. I reached frantically for him. “Please.”
Tyrrik stepped back, and I followed. But every time, I made to close the distance between us, he moved away again, just out of my reach. Why couldn’t I reach him?
“Tyrrik,” I said, my voice rising as panic clawed up my throat. “Tyrrik, come back with me.”