Page 75 of Black Crown
I don’t like it, Tyrrik said.Something feels off.
Obviously. There was nothing about Azule I liked, and everything felt off.But the servant is under your breath mojo.
I’m well aware.But Dyter wouldn’t have entered a place like this.
Not in his right mind. But I also never thought he’d disappear to do the horizontal jig, so I was officially floundering in new territory.I’m genuinely worried about him, Tyrrik,I admitted. Where was Dyter?
I’m going to check first. Please stay here.
I didn’t even have time to formulate a reply. Before I could open my mental mouth, he was gone, far beyond the servant who had only just ascended the first step, still under Tyrrik’s influence.
“Where did Lord Tyrrik go?” Dilowa asked, her gaze darting back the way we’d come.
“To check if it’s a trap,” I said with a sigh.
Feeling Tyrrik’s approach, I crossed my arms over my chest and pursed my lips. I wasnothappy about his chauvinisticcheck for dangerattitude.
I blinked as he appeared, knowing he could feel my seething frustration, and snapped, “Well —”
He blew a lungful of breath in my face, his panic pulsing through our bond.
“What was that for?” I asked, waving the air away. His breath wouldn’t control me now, so what was he . . . My fingertips began to buzz, and I dropped my gaze to them.What did you just do?
A monstrous weight wrapped around my head, and I fought against the urge to close my eyes. I peered up at my mate with dawning horror. That weight . . . The blackness . . . That was his power.
The emperor is here, he spoke softly in my mind.I’m sorry, my love.
He flooded his power through our bond, and heavy lethargy spread down my shoulders, into my torso and down my legs. My knees trembled as I fought his control.Tyrrik,I slurred.Please don’t!
I have to, my love. Your Phaetyn veil has been down.His regret and sorrow pulsed into me as he pulled me toward unconsciousness.Sleep.
Even knowing it was my fault I’d dropped the veil in the orgy room, even knowing he could only control me if it was a life and death situation, I was angry. He’d said we were stronger together. My own failure was exacerbated by his betrayal. My knees buckled, and Tyrrik pulled me close, my forehead bouncing against his chest. I opened my mouth to scream at him, but darkness swallowed me whole.
The last thing I heard as I drifted out was Tyrrik’s choked voice whispering,Sleep.
Iwoke up livid. My fists were clenched almost as tight as my jaw, and I knew I wanted to hit someone. At first, I thought I’d been rudely awoken, but then the memory of mymatecompelling me resurfaced, much like a slap to the face.
And my anger turned white-hot, building to don’t-touch-me-or-I’ll-kill-you-rage.
Knowing how much I hated what my father was doing to me, how much I’d trained to prevent the vile manipulation from the emperor, Tyrrik still thought he was somehow justified? The emperor had been up those stairs, and Tyrrik had reacted by taking me out of the equation? I was Ryn, the most . . . thefreakin’most powerful Drae-Phaetyn. What part of plan put-Ryn-to-sleep made the smallest amount of sense? Because my veil had been down? What did that matter if Tyrrik was near?
I opened my eyes and stared into darkness. With fury pulsing through me, partial shifting was just a blink away, and the darkness melted away with my Drae eyes.
Oh, no he didn’t. I looked at the small space, a broom and buckets and rags were shoved in the narrow closet. He’d chucked me in a closet. A cleaning closet. My chest rose and fell rapidly as my emotions climbed, and in a blur I was on my feet. My fingernails extended and tapered into deadly talons. I was going to throw him—
I paused, my hand poised at the door, ready to demolish, but his panicked voice made me pause.
You controlled me! You could’ve just had me—
Put your veil on!
Drak. I pulled the mossy-green Phaetyn power over me, still too angry to feel foolish for it not being the first thing I thought of since waking.Why did you do that? Where are you? I’m coming—
I’m sorry. Truly, I am. I thought you’d stay asleep longer—