Page 134 of Moon Claimed
Yelping, we landed and rolled through the dry brush.
We stared at the night sky.
That’s not what Optimus Prime looked like,she wheezed.
My laughter came out as a series of huffs.We’ll work on it. You want control?
You should work on our legs first.
I didn’t like leg duty. Four legs were a lot to keep track of. I mean, two legs must have been an issue once, butfourwas crazy.
Rolling to our feet, I put a front leg forward, then the opposite back leg, then the other front leg, finishing with the last back leg.
I was a wolf doing the Cha Cha.Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.
I tried to speed things up, aiming for a normal walking pace.
It was just a faster Cha Cha.
Would you like help?
Please.Take over.
No, you can learn. But here.
As she’d done once before, my wolf sent me a flurry of images. These were memories of her running. Of the rhythm. Through her memory, I felt the soft thudding beat of her paws on the forest floor.
Did that help?she asked.
I think so.I tried not to overthink the movement, allowing my body to mimic her memories.
We slipped into a relaxed lope.
I did it!
She smiled, and our tongue lolled.Maybe you can show me how to walk on two legs.
She struggled to balance on half the number of legs.Deal. How do you send memories?
The same way we talk to Greyson. Focus on what you want to tell me and push it through.
I’d give it a go when we shifted back.Your turn to run. Go wild. We’ve got plenty of time tonight.
My wolf took over, senses and all, and I let her at it, oddly glad for the chance to be a passenger.
We left the lake behind, and climbed the north slopes of the valley, then trotted along the ridge for an hour before descending.
My wolf paused.This area smells like you and Greyson. And another man. Stale, powerful scents.
I took notice of our surroundings. We were near Sandstone. This particular area had haunted me for a while.This is where Greyson killed Herc.
That explains it.Nose to the ground, my wolf covered the area, approaching the spot where Herc died.
We sneezed at the smell.
Enemy,she snarled.