Page 162 of Moon Claimed
His voice was harsh as Greyson climbed in. “You know I will.”
Fresh tears spilling over my cheeks, I ended the call.
I couldn’t go to the manor.
I couldn’t.
But I did.
Washing my face, I dressed on the comfortable side of professional in case I had to run on short notice.
The cold shoulders of those in the manor bounced off me as I walked to the office. I inserted the key and turned it.
She’d changed the fucking lock again.
Standing back, I kicked the entrance in. Today was not the day to fuck with me.
No one was inside—lucky for them—and I propped open the splintered door as best as possible before settling at the desk.
I stared at my phone, willing Sascha to call. I could feel the elastic sensation pulling tighter, moving systematically as he searched for Wade.
“Hey, Andie?” Eleanor said from the door. “There was a call for you. Something about a problem out at Sandstone.”
“Thanks,” I replied. “I’ll call them.”
I swallowed hard, checking the desk clock. Time for my first meeting. I stood on autopilot.
This day would drag forever.
As long as Wade was safe at the end of it, I didn’t care.
* * *
2:00 p.m.
Sascha hadn’t replied to my string of texts. He could be out of reception, but I was one more text from losing my cool.
Hands shaking, I gathered the reports and filed them in my drawer.
Nope.I couldn’t stand it.
I had to go to pack lands now.
“Hey, Andie,” Eleanor said from the door. “Sandstone called again. They didn’t hear from you.”
I groaned. “Totally forgot. I’ll give them a call now. Did they say what the issue was?”
“There’s something they needed you to sign off on. That’s all I got.”
Grids was there tonight. I couldn’t ignore this. Reaching for the phone, I looked up the number for Sandstone reception and dialled.
It rang out.
I tried again.
“Fuck.” I jammed the phone down.
2:10 p.m.