Page 165 of Moon Claimed
My head.
I tried to speak, but my lips couldn’t open. Jolting awake, my eyes flew open. I couldn’t move my hands!
Oh my god.
Was there duct tape over my mouth?
The world swayed like an ocean, and I choked back rising bile that couldn’t escape with the tape over my mouth.
Are you okay?I asked my wolf.
Don’t feel good.
Rhona shot me with a dart. A fuckingdart. That she hated me enough to resort to that method nearly brought forth a free surge of vomit.
I really didn’t feel so good.
Where was I?
My feet were bound with rope. They’d bound my hands in front of me with rope too. I was lying on a metal floor. The small platform had rail sides. A remote-control panel sat above my head.
I was in a cherry picker tray.
Blinking, I studied the twilight sky above me.
We’re not in the shed,I thought at her.
How long had passed?
I tensed at the telltaleboomof the cannon.Shit.The game had started? We’d been out for hours. Or they’d shot us multiple times.
I struggled against my bonds. This couldn’t mean anything good. Rhona wanted me out of the game. She had something planned.
The tray jolted down, and I choked back fresh nausea.
We cannot shift, my wolf slurred.
The sedative affected her more than me, but she was right. I couldn’t feel my wolf form. I should be able to hear and smell far better than this. We needed this tranquiliser to wear off, which meant not getting shot again.
These human limitations were debilitating. I felt so vulnerable.
Head lolling, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body as the tray continued to lower.
“She still out?” someone asked.
What a cow.
A hand gently slapped my face. The male sighed. “Yeah. She’s out.”
Let’s make a coat out of their skin after this,my wolf said.