Page 30 of Moon Claimed
“Thank you for agreeing to hold our meetings face to face, Head Steward,”hesaid.
Why did his voice make everything better?
Scrap that, I knew why. But why did ithaveto?
What had I fucking done that I couldn’t just hate him in peace? Why had the world tied us together in such a way when nothing could ever come of it? When I despised him?
It was torture.
I rested my hands on the armrests of the tall-backed chair. Only my chair and Sascha’s were different from the rest.
His honey eyes didn’t leave mine.
“Why doesn’t my chair have antlers?” I enjoyed Wade’s muffled snort.
The werewolf tilted his head ever so slightly. “I’ll rectify that at the next meeting, Head Steward.”
“We’re here for the grid announcement.” I shifted my eyes to his company in the hopes he’d do the same. The head team was made up of the most capable minds theNi Tiakihad to offer. If Sascha wasn’t careful, he’d fuck things up.
He stood, extending to his full height. “I’d like to officially welcome all representatives of the Ni Tiaki to pack lands. This is a momentous occasion, and—I hope—a step in the right direction. For myself, with my recent actions in Sandstone, I appreciate your willingness to accept change between our two teams.”
A pretty speech. And a casual murder mention. I didn’t need to look at Nathan and Valerie to know how they’d take it. Valerie nursed a serious sweet spot for Herc before his death. She took things extra hard. Nathan was Herc’s best friend from what I’d pieced together.
I tilted my chin. “Our reasons for agreeing to meet are our own. Don’t take our presence to mean your actions in Sandstone are forgotten.”
Mandy snarled, her fangs lengthening. “Oh, none of us have forgotten what happened, Andie. Don’t worry about that.”
Sascha didn’t look at her, but his low growl filled the room.
Mandy lost her glare.
“I apologise,” he said. “As you know, it’s harder for us to control our wolves at this time.”
“An interesting time to invite the opposite team to your territory then,” Stanley said.
“The game goes on. We are well accustomed to doing the same, no matter what our wolves may prefer.”
Sascha sat—still the largest being in the room. “Let it be known that the Luthers select Iron for the next round of Victratum.”
Knew it.This was ideal for us. We’d win, and I’d reclaim Timber after to get our full revenue back. That would help fund my ideas for Water and Clay.
“We’ll see you there,” I said, standing.
“A moment.” Sascha’s order boomed through the room, belying his quiet tone. “I wish to confer with you about the incident in Water.”
My heart beat faster, and no one from the other side missed it. “Don’t worry, Luther, we can’t prove anything. You got away with this one.”
His gaze was solemn. “I don’t wish toget awaywith anything. What I would like is to find which of my wolves was responsible. With your help.”
Sure he did.This guy wanted me for my breeding hips and my breeding hips alone. “Ask your questions then.”
“Would you do me the honour of discussing the matter in private? Leader to leader.”
No.“Whatever you say to me can be said in front of my team.”
“I thought they could take the chance to look around pack lands.”