Page 32 of Moon Claimed
“Was this a one off? Sascha, is my life in danger?”
Darkness edged into the honey shade. “Until the wolf fulfils his agenda, yes, your life is in danger.”
I settled back. If the Luther’s agenda was to change me into a werewolf, he’d failed. Did that mean he’d try again soon?
In no version of hell, did I want to become a monster.
“I’d like to station five of my most trusted wolves around the manor.”
“Impossible,” I quipped without delay.
“You’re in danger,” Sascha said, jaw clenching.
I didn’t look away. “I can’t risk the confidentiality of tribe operations just to protect myself. If your life is in danger, I suggest you protect it on this end.”
His throat worked. “I’m trying to work with you on a solution. If I cannot do that, my wolf will take matters into his own hands.”
“Tell Greyson to fuck off.”
Sascha cocked a brow. “Greyson? You’ve named my wolf?”
“Yeah…” Wade turned to me. “You named his wolf?”
My cheeks burned. “Let’s not get distracted.”
Dammit,I did believe Sascha was attempting to figure this out. I just didn’t want to accept anything from him.
If I didn’t take this offer, Greyson would lose the plot and take matters into his own hands—stupid sigma fucker. My options were thin.
“Give me time to figure out another way,” I said eventually.
“How long?”
“However long Ineed.” I glared at the huge Luther, trying not to linger on the broad expanse of his chest. Mating voodoo.
Wade grabbed my hand. “The remaining meets. Care to fill us in on what to expect?”
But Sascha’s gaze fixed on where Wade touched me. His nostrils flared.
Wade stilled—perhaps without realising he’d reacted to the silent charge in the air.
“You’re very lucky that your smell doesn’t change when you touch her, boy,” Sascha said, darkness nearly blotting out the honey. “Or hers.”
Wade took a few seconds to answer. “She doesn’t give me a boner, if that’s what you mean, and I don’t make her nipples hard. Just chimp tits. We’ve checked. It’s a friendship miracle.”
Sascha’s growl exploded from his chest.
“Wade,” I whispered.
He didn’t stop. “If you really care for her, you’ll be happy Andie has someone to talk to about this bullshit. You have no idea the state I found her in before learning all this. Back off.”
I tensed in readiness to become a human shield. Sascha surprised me by blinking and leaning back, honey returning to his vision.
“For that, I thank you,” he said stiffly. “The thought of her in pain keeps me up at night.”
I wrinkled my nose.Ugh.“The meets. What are they?”
“You’ve changed your mind.”