Page 36 of Moon Claimed
The head team dispersed, and my shoulders relaxed. I watched as Valerie clasped Rhona’s shoulder.
“Is there anything else you’d like to say, Rhona?”
She was still angry. We definitely shared our temper—if not the way we managed it.
“I’m serious,” I said. “Get it out now.”
Rhona blew out a breath. “Okay, I lost my shit.”
“I can see why. It does hurt my feelings that you assumed the worst.”
“Bad habit,” she muttered. “Maybe I was afraid of losing you and having no control. Like with Mum and Dad.”
For Rhona, that took a lot to say.
I took her hands. “If bad things ever happen to me—ever—know that none of it was your fault. You can’t take on that burden. Not for anyone. We all have a choice.”
She swallowed. “You’re the only person I have left.”
Tell me about it.I hugged her. “That’s why I left you here.”
“Next time, I want to come to pack lands.”
“I love you.”
Her shoulders shook. “That’s a no.”
“Our people come first. That’s what it means to be us.”
“I don’t always like being a Thana.”
“Does anyone like who they are all the time? I sure don’t. Can you do me a favour though? If you have an issue with me, talk to me in private, and please don’t shout at me. I’ll listen to you at normal volume just the same.”
Her smile was sheepish. “Sorry.”
“So am I. Now, let’s go figure out how to fuck shit up in Water.”
My phone rang. “You go ahead. It’s the realtor.” I answered, heart beating fast, “Roy. Hi. What did they say?”
“Andie, how is it? Sorry about the delay. They were on holiday, but I got hold of them last night.”
Rhona hadn’t budged, and I closed my eyes. “Well?”
“They’ll meet you at $412,000 once they’ve viewed the furnishings. It took some talking, but they’re happy to pay a 20 percent deposit upon signing.”
I considered that. “I can send you the key for the storage shed. It will take a couple of days to get there. Could you visit the shed with them?”
“Happy to. They have finance preapproval already. The wife is a builder and is satisfied with the condition of the house. We’ve given them the council report, so with the condition of finance, this deal is looking cut and dried.”
I was currently over four thousand dollars short of paying everything off, but that was far more doable than ten times that number. “I’ll need the settlement to be as short as possible.”
“They need two weeks for the bank to process finance and lawyers to do their thing.”
Two weeks would bring me up to five thousand dollars. Just under with their deposit in my bank account. This deal was as good as it got. “I can swing that.”
“Great. I’ll leave you to get in touch with your lawyer then,” Roy said. “Congratulations on selling your house, Andie!”
“Thanks for your help,” I said softly. “I realise you’ve gone above and beyond with this sale.” If I could have afforded to give him more, I would. Maybe I’d send him a thank-you card with the key.