Page 46 of Moon Claimed
Yeah. Yeah.We both knew Water and Iron were pretty much assured victories for either side. “Thanks.”
He paused, and I hated that part of me just wanted to be with him. Touching him. Kissing him.Talkingto him.
Simply because I’d feel better for it. I wanted to feel better.
My body was tired.
I was at my wit’s end. The galloping approach of the full moon was like a noose around my neck.
“Have you thought any more about the meets?” He said low. “I’m not sure I can keep away from you for much longer.”
The words weren’t a threat—just truth. If I didn’t act, Greyson would.
Yet I couldn’t. Not until I figuredsomethingout.
Leaving town. Surely, I had to leave town. How could I hide this from the tribe, let alone Luthers?
I closed my eyes. “My situation has changed. I can’t go through the meets with you.”
A leaden silence met my words.
“What changed?” He asked so softly my sensitive ears nearly missed the question.
Some people, like Rhona, got louder when angry. The thing about Sascha… he didn’t have a tell. With him, I could throw the dice with very little idea which emotional square they’d land on. He could be murderous, contemplative, or worried right now and he’dstillspeak in that quiet, controlled voice.
Without this mating call, I never would have peeked beyond his mild exterior. Evenwiththis crap, I rarely saw him lose his cool. Freaky didn’t begin to describe it. “Nothing that concerns you.”
“It very much concerns me, Andie.”
My ears twinged. Was that an undercurrent of desperation or anger? “This isn’t what you wanted to hear, but it’s how things have to be. I’d appreciate if you could contain Greyson on your end.”
Impossibly, his voice lowered further. “You know Greyson doesn’t play by the rules, little bird. You know he’ll kill to get to you. If I put my people between you and me, I put them in harm’s way. The same for any of your people. What could possibly be more important than preventing further bloodshed between both sides? Tell me what has happened since we last spoke.”
He was lecturing me on the lives of others. Fucking rich. “That’s my decision. You don’t have to like it. Let me say right now that if you attempt to harm any of my stewards, I will kill you myself—whether it breaks me or not.”
Sascha sucked in a breath that I’d associate with someone who’d been kicked in the chest.
He swore a moment later. “How did things get this way between us?”
I gripped the top of the tallboy, staring into the mirror. “I met you. That’s how.”
Blackness crept in on my emerald eyes, and I reeled back.
Oh my god. I’m a monster.“Got to go.”
Breathing hard, I gaped at the stranger in the mirror.Me.How could that be me? I tried blinking the darkness away. When that failed, I turned to the black fury inside.
Breathe, Andie.
Watching closely, I deepened my exhales, casting my mind to the forest as I so often escaped to when playing the saxophone.
My heartbeat slowed.
The pounding blood left my cheeks.
Darkness ebbed, leaving misted emerald behind.