Page 75 of Moon Claimed
Okay, this didn’t look great.
Her shock morphed to rage. She blinked several times and met my eye once again.
I spoke over my shoulder. “Goodbye, Luther.”
“If you change your mind, let me know, Head Steward,” he said.
My heart squeezed. The words were nonsense. He was trying to give me a way out of this.
But I already had one.
Even withthatexcuse,this looked bad.
“Not a chance,” I replied. “Rhona. Come in.”
She shouldered Sascha while obeying, but only a slight sorrow flickered in his eyes at her rudeness.
Yeah,he’d killed her father. Sascha was lucky Rhona didn’t attempt to return the favour.
“Head Steward.” He moved to the stairs and glanced back, searching my face
“I’ve got this,”I mouthed. Aloud, I said, “Luther. I’ll see you in Grids.”
He hovered on the top step, focus sliding to the open entrance.
Making the choice for him, I entered and shut the door.
White-lipped fury about summed Rhona up.
Leaning over the couch, I gazed out the window, watching Sascha stride away.
“What the fuck?” Rhona seethed.
Half turning, I held a finger to my lips.
“Yousleptwith that fucker?” she exploded.
I winced as her voice boomed in my ears. I could probably hear that from around a kilometre away, so there was no chance Sascha didn’t catch it even with the frequency generators. “You’re making a series of assumptions. I suggest you listen first instead.”
The words were harsh, yes, but I’d changed into a fucking wolf last night, so she could suck it up.
She inhaled sharply for another go.
“Rhona.” My voice cracked like a whip.
Her mouth snapped shut. I doubted she’d ever been spoken to in such a way.
She tests our authority,my wolf silently spoke.
My fingernails sharpened and extended.We’ve got to stay cool!
Forest, forest, forest. Calm.
Why?my wolf enquired.
I gave her a quick rundown of Rhona, the stewards, and my position and felt her boredom seep through me.