Page 89 of Moon Claimed
My brows climbed. “You sound angry about that. Is that why we’re getting this display in the pool? As payback.”
“No,” he burst out.
I didn’t need the telltale flush of his cheeks with my new nose. The earthy component to his scent took on a rotten edge.
His words were false.
Laura folded her arms.
“You’re a free man, Foley,” I said. “But this behaviour is beneath you. You may also consider that the stewards need Rhona to be on her best game, and something like this may distract her from fulfilling her roles. We have three grids now. It could be four, but everyone needs to put themselves aside to make that happen.”
He averted his eyes. “We’ll find a room.”
Laura scoffed and in a flurry of droplets left the spa.
Unfortunately, Foley didnotspeak female.
“Laura, wait,” he called.
“I’m sorry your heart is hurting,” I told him. “If you need to talk, it doesn’t matter that Rhona’s my sister, I’m here to listen and give what advice I can as your head steward too.”
Kudos to him, the guy managed what Rhona rarely could—to swallow his temper. Genuinely.
A wrinkle appeared between his brows. “Thanks, Andie.”
I stood and peered at Wade, who raised both of our glasses in my direction.
Couldn’t blame Rhona for making scarce with that display, but I didn’t hear from her during Grids, and now she was nowhere to be seen. She came over this morning and didn’t mention anything about the breakup—or that she intended to end things with Foley.
Don’t panic.
It meant nothing.
She was safe.
The first level hall was crammed with younger stewards who’d snuck in alcohol. Too absorbed with hiding their drinks, they didn’t draw me into conversation.
I’d check Rhona’s room. She may have retreated to punch something.
Passing my office, I backstepped and poked my head inside.
She was sitting behind the desk.
My entire body sagged against the door. “Rhona, here you are.”
She didn’t lift her head, absorbed with whatever she was reading.
I entered, and the voices outside muffled as I shut us in. “I was worried.”
“Why?” she asked.
Uh.“You weren’t answering my orders in Timber. I couldn’t find you afterward. Why are you in here?”
“I got sick of the party.”
Her tone was off. And her smell. Something was up.
Oh, duh. Of course.