Page 108 of Wolf Roulette
Sascha glanced up. “That’s a far lower number than 150.”
“We believe it holds equivalent value. Plus, Timber won’t be your problem after tomorrow when I win it. If you consider that parcel of land a loss, then it will be our loss, not yours.”
The wolves scowled. Wade snorted.
Sascha regarded the map again. “While we can agree that the trees on this land bring a small amount of increased value, the pack won’t consider less than 135 acres.”
A joke.
“We’ve offered 70. I’m willing to bring that up to 100 acres as a show of goodwill.”
He considered me. “Let’s split the difference. The pack will consider 117 acres in exchange for the taken land. You can keep the half an acre difference as a show of our good will.”
So generous.
But all going well, Timber would be in my possession tomorrow. Did I back myself? Yes. “Agreed. I think we’ve covered the main—”
“There would need to be an exemption from Victratum’s care of the land clause where this is concerned,” Sascha’s gaze bore into mine. “We wouldn’t want to be considered at fault for milling older trees or for agreeing to relinquish land for the purposes of an airport.”
Dammit.We needed more penalty points and that had been my best idea so far. “That goes without saying.”
He arched a brow. “Even so. I insist.”
When will you have sex with him?Booker asked.
Not the time,I mentally hissed back. Save me from werewolves with crushes.
The pack leader widened his stance. “I’ll confer with my people and return with an answer on Sunday.”
He better not fuck this up.
If you’d waited to show your butthole to him after this meeting, instead of the other night, we wouldn’t be having this problem.
I ignored Booker’s huffing laughter. “Moving onto point two then. You have jobs that require filling. We have people needing jobs. This move would be irregular, but so was the pack’srequestfor grid announcements to be held face to face not so long ago. This exchange could benefit both of our people in more ways than financially.”
The pack’s scowls were gone.
They were all over the damn place today.
“The pack agrees to employ your stewards,” Sascha announced.
“Just like that?”
My head team was surprised. Well, Wade was hungry. But everyone else was surprised.
“My wolves are working too hard. Due to our nature, hiring outsiders to work alongside us poses a big issue. This is a clear solution while Victratum continues, and one I planned to bring up on Sunday.”
I recalled something else Trixie had raised in the past. “The reverse makes sense too. When the Ni Tiaki have four grids in our possession, we’ll happily employ your pack to fill positions.”
Sascha smirked. I smirked back.
“Our marshal is still new to her position.” He glanced at Pascal. “If your marshal could mentor her through the process of drawing up a new agreement, we’d appreciate that.”
“That’s fine with me,” Pascal answered.
Beside me, Stanley swore as Sascha’s eyes flooded black.
Greyson stared out at me. “Soon, little bird.”