Page 122 of Wolf Roulette
I ran into the trees and set off for manor grounds, sticking between the water and the cliff faces on my left.
Sascha was moving away. He’d crossed the river.
Far enough away?
Booker growled low.Yes.
Crouching, we shifted. Seconds later, Booker shook out our red fur and stretched. She paused as Sascha changed direction.
He was across the river but now moving toward us. Fast.
That seems… suspicious,I said.
Bookerbroke into a run, sprinting between the river and the cliff toward tribal lands. The manor was our safety.
We were faster than him.
This was a total set-up. We were trapped by the river on the right. Trapped by cliffs on the left. We couldn’t go back the way we’d come because that took us farther from the manor, and Greyson had us beat on endurance over a long distance.
Our pants grew heavier as he drew alongside us on the other riverbank.
I’d never seen him run so hard. He didn’t plan to lose.
See the narrow part of the river up ahead?I said to Booker.He’s going to cross there.
He can try,she growled.
Greyson’s snarls rang in our ears.
You need to jump over to his side of the river when he jumps to ours,I told her.There’s nowhere else to cross for a while.
I’m not getting wet!
Of course she wasn’t.What’s your plan then? Because his fangs are fucking sharp.
I just need to beat him to the crossing and stay ahead.
That... wouldn’t work. Ah, well. This meet had to happen.Go for it.
Booker doubled down, hurtling along the riverside toward the narrowest point like it was a finish line. I let her focus, listening intently to Greyson’s thundering progress.
He leaped across the river and landed ahead of us.
Yelping, Booker tried to change direction but rolled across the forest floor. Bolting upright, she charged blindly, pulling up a moment later when we met with a cliff face.
Spinning, we tracked Greyson’s padding approach toward us. The dark-brown wolf heaved to recover from his sprint.
He had us trapped.
Our tail was bolt upright. Our lips curled back in warning. A growl filled our throat.
Greyson’s voice filled our head.Give in to me, young one. You are a powerful female, but you are no match for me.
I maybe had a few things to say about that.
Booker snapped her fangs.I am a prize for a worthier male. You will sire weak pups.