Page 143 of Wolf Roulette
“Is Sascha alright?” Mandy asked in a tiny voice from behind us.
Evelyn growled, all menacing mother.
Red blanketed my vision as I turned to Mandy. Fangs bursting from my gums, I launched at her and tackled her to the ground.
Drawing my fist back, I slammed it into the delta’s face twice.
And then once more for fucking luck.
Her head lolled, and my brief satisfaction ended as I felt a sharp pinch in my back.
Spinning in a drunken circle, I met Grim’s gaze.
“You shot me,” I accused.
The gamma shrugged. “No hard feelings.”
He smiled, and I slanted to the ground.
I clutched my head and rolled. “Mothershitter.”
“I’ve always wondered what that means. Then again, what does bitchhole mean? These are questions that only the consumption of red wine can answer.”
Forcing an eyelid open, I found Wade sitting on a chair beside my bed.
“Ouch,” I told him.
“Your forehead copped a pretty decent injury. No joke, you looked like a white-trash unicorn for a whole hour.”
She didn’t answer, but as panic threatened to close in, I recalled Grim darting me. Tranquiliser affected our wolves more than us.
“I fell?” It had to be sometime in the middle of the night because no one in the manor made a sound.
“Sascha caught you. I can’t believe he isn’t dead.”
My heart stalled and horror saturated my very soul. “Tell me he’s alive, Wade.”
“I got Evelyn’s number. She’s texting hourly updates. He opened his eyes for a bit. She said he’ll fully recover.”
My heart resumed beating, and I dragged in a harsh breath.
Some of the horror remained though.
I’d felt panic when Herc aimed his gun at Sascha, but I’d nevertrulyunderstood just how his death would break me until now.
My very being screamed against that existence.
I touched my face, wincing at the deep pain in the centre of my forehead. “I can’t remember what happened after we hit the ground.”
Wade kicked his legs up onto the bed and crossed them at the ankle. “Let me give you a play-by-play.”
“A genuine one, please.”