Page 204 of Wolf Roulette
The stewards’ shock slowly melted to pure relief and happiness. Their elation seeped under my skin, and for a time, I milled in their midst to receive their hugs and congratulations and gratitude.
I listened to their fears upon seeing me unresponsive after the game.
I reassured them about what was to come and encouraged them to enjoy tonight.
But half of my heart was on the south side and it pulled at me.
Wade dragged me to a dark corner of the patio. “Leave.”
My brows shot up. “Why?”
“It’s midnight.”
I gasped. “Ella F has turned back to a pumpkin again.”
He rolled his eyes. “Funny.”
I thought so.
“You’ve spent enough time with the tribe. Leave. Go to Sascha.”
My pulse thumped in my ears. “Why?”
“To play him the saxophone naked. I don’t care.” Wade rolled his eyes. “You’ve done the head steward thing. Our fanged guests are gone. Go do who you really want to do.”
“What will you tell the tribe?” I brushed my hair back.
“Nothing. You’re going to get in Ella F. And unapologetically drive to your wolfman. Got it?”
They’d know where I was going.
And actually, I was okay with that.
I hugged my friend tight. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, baby girl. You should shower first though. Just saying.”
I sniffed. The guy had a point.
I weaved between tribe members on the patio and eventually reached the hall. Walking to the stairs, I paused by the office. The door, which I’d absolutely locked, sat ajar. Light streamed out.
I pushed the door open to reveal Rhona.
“These boxes are filled with notes about you.” Rhona didn’t apologise for snooping.
She must feel better.
I walked into the office. “They contain everything Sascha has ever thought about me. Well, most of it. I assume that he’ll keep records until the end of the mating call.”
Rhona lowered the piece of paper in her hand. “It’s like a love letter.”
“These are the most vulnerable words he’ll ever write,” I replied. “Anyone who reads them will see into his mind. And they’ll learn everything about me too.”
Rhona glanced up.
I inhaled the way her cut grass and vanilla scent tangled together and intensified with the strength of her yearning. For both of those things.
The innermost thoughts of her father’s killer.