Page 222 of Wolf Roulette
I paused to give him a one-armed hug. “I love you.”
He babbled a wordless reply, and I kissed his cheek, sharing an amused glance with Pascal and Cam over his shoulder.
Stop kissing other men and come here, beautiful wolf.
I continued with Rhona and my gaze locked with Sascha’s at last.
Gorgeous,gorgeoushoney eyes.
Their effect on me only grew each day. I swallowed hard as Rhona halted us in front of him.
Sascha tore his focus from me to look at her.
Her dislike was plain.
His regret was equally plain.
“If you hurt her,” Rhona spoke, “then I’ll slit your throat and take the land penalty on the chin without regret.”
“If you love and care for her,” she added, “then in time, maybe we’ll be a family.”
Sascha nodded. “I consider myself warned. I’ve seen you in combat.”
Rhona passed my hand into his, and the tension drained from us. The world disappeared as I stepped into his embrace and sighed.
“I missed you.”
Sascha buried his face in my updo, inhaling. “You get more beautiful each day.”
Both of us jumped as someone cleared their throat.
“If you don’t mind.” Alexei’s face was carved from stone.
Whatever he thought about me though, he was here for his son.
“Proceed,” Sascha told him.
His father cocked a brow at the order but raised a microphone to his lips for the benefit of the tribe. “Thank you for coming together today to witness the decision of my son, Sascha Alarick Greyson and his potential mate, Andie Charise Booker Thana.”
Getting rid of the name Booker didn’t feel right when my wolf had claimed that as her name.
Alexei recited a brief history of the mating process for the benefit of the gathered Vissimo and stewards.
“Do all concerned parties agree to voice their decision now?” Alexei glanced between us.
I looked at Sascha.What?
Follow me.He smiled. “I, Sascha, agree.”
His fangs and claws slid free, eliciting an interested hum from our vampire guests. As black flooded his eyes, gravel filled his voice. “I, Greyson, agree.”
Your turn, little bird.
“I, Andie, agree.”
I allowed my fangs and claws to burst free. A lesser amount of gravel roughened my voice, but the tone certainly wasn’t human. “I can’t wait to sink my fangs into you.”