Page 31 of Wolf Roulette
Couldn’t blame her. “I’m meant to watch more training videos now.”
“No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I re-entered the bar and crossed to Grim, who opened the staff door without a word.
The gamma appeared bored beyond words.
“Grim? What do you think about all night?”
He looked at me. “Food.”
Grinning, I entered the hall and immediately scented Sascha in his office.
I pushed open the door to Leroy’s office and found the module locked and loaded on the computer monitor.
Brr.It was cold in here.Remind me to bring a jacket to my next shift.
Chafing at my arms, I started the video. The presenter had an ’80s perm. I loved old-school educational videos.
“Casinos have a duty of care to ensure they prevent and respond to concerning behaviour from patrons who may demonstrate an unhealthy relationship with gambling.”
I was weirdly wired from the music, patron noise, and the intense concentration of calculating payouts, but 1:00 a.m. was not the right time of night to learn stuff.
“The exchange counter is a crucial screening area. Failed transactions are an early warning sign that a person is spending more than they can afford.”
Shivering on the desk chair, I hugged my knees to my chest.
The door opened and Sascha strode in with his suit jacket in hand.
His shirt sleeves were rolled up, collar opened.
I accepted the token, mumbling, “Thanks.”
Standing, I shrugged the massive jacket on and fastened the three buttons at the front.
He leaned over to pause the module. “Andie, I need to hold you.”
“Of course.” I wrapped my arms around his firm torso, resting my head on his chest.
Sascha squeezed me close, resting his head atop mine. He stroked my back, and I wriggled as his fingers brushed the ticklish spot on my lower back.
The tension gradually drained out of both of us.
I gazed up. “Better?”
“Better is relative.”
The mood altered, and he growled low. Sascha captured my lips, forcing my head back. Hoisting me onto the desk, he guided me flat and ran his hands up my thighs before spreading them.
Fire flushed my body, and I reached for his shirt. He let me unfasten the buttons and then resumed our kiss.
I moaned into his mouth, melding my softer lips to his.
He worked my clip-on tie free and tossed it away, then dragged down the zipper of my jumpsuit. My boobs sprung free.
I let him look his fill. “Been waiting for that?”