Page 64 of Wolf Roulette
“I’ll schedule time. How’s next week?”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
I laughed. “Where do you want me to start?”
“Well, what was the dynamic on pack lands?” He knew some stuff from texts we’d exchanged.
“So, I don’t even know when this came on, but I feel responsible for the women and children in the pack now.”
His eyes rounded. “For real? Then why come back?”
“I realised that only one solution results in happiness for the tribe, pack, and me and Sascha.”
“Oh, shit. What solution? Because there’s only one way the tribe will accept.”
Tell me about it.“Both sides need to enter a truce. I haven’t figured out the specifics.”
Plan B was harder for a reason.
Wade didn’t answer.
I lifted a shoulder. “Sascha accepted that I couldn’t choose between the tribe and us, but then—”
“Hold the fuck on. I’m processing the massive bomb you dropped.”
Oh.I waited.
He nodded a few times. “Cool, got it. Carry on.”
“I told Sascha early on that I’d help the tribe no matter what. He told me anything else would have surprised him and seemed super accepting. Except when he found out I’d actually done it…”
Wade sucked in a breath. “His muscles leaped in protest.”
“That man is damn attractive.”
I sighed. “Agreed.”
And I missed him.
We lingered outside the pavilion, well apart from the others. “After that, Sascha put up a thousand walls. I didn’t know what to do. Then Rhona ran off. The tribe wanted me back. Sascha shifted and didn’t return before I left. I’ve tried calling and texting, but he’s blocked my number.”
“He didwhat?”
I lowered my voice. “I get that he needs time. But I need him to work with me. Like,right now.”
“Dang, baby girl. That’s intense. What next?”
“If he won’t come to the table for a truce before next Wednesday, I can’t purposely lose to the pack.”
Wade held up a finger.
I waited again.
He took longer to nod this time. “Continue.”
“In that case, I’ll need to win the game to have more control over the end result. Before then, I need to figure out a way to pull the pack and tribe together for good.”