Page 64 of Sin and Redemption
“Taylor Swift. I love her music.”
“It fits you. I didn’t expect you to listen to Heavy Metal or Grunge.”
Sara let out a small laugh. The sound was beautiful and when her face lit up like that, it made her look even more kissable. She was kissable all over. I wanted to do it more often. Fuck, I just wanted to lean over and kiss her senseless right now. But my moment of hesitation allowed by my brain to infuse all kinds of worries in my head that stopped me.
I wondered when our past wouldn’t hang like a Damocles sword over our heads anymore.
Sara relaxed in the seat and looked out of the window. Then she turned back to me. “I hope you don’t mind if I just look out of the window? I love to just watch the scenery pass by when I’m in a car.”
“Not at all,” I said.
The silence that ensued wasn’t uncomfortable like many of our past. It was deliberate, not out of awkwardness and lack of topics to discuss.
When we pulled up in front of the house, Amo’s car was already parked in front. I had visited his family’s mansion in the Hamptons only a couple of times. It was usually a place where he and his family went to unwind. We’d once organized a party there, though, and his father had been majorly pissed when he’d found out.
“I’m always in awe when I come here. It’s just a beautiful place,” Sara said.
I jumped out of my truck and opened the door for Sara. “Is this something you’d want?” I wasn’t sure why I was asking. A house in the Hamptons, even a much smaller one than this, was currently not in my budget. Not to mention that I didn’t feel like I belonged in the Hamptons. I loved the woodsy less posh area where my parents lived. I loved that nobody complained when I wandered through the woods without a shirt, when my dog barked out of joy, and that nobody told us what to do on our own premises. Not that Luca ever gave a fuck what the HOA said, but just the fact that an association like that existed in the neighborhood was reason enough for me not to consider buying a house there.
“A place in the Hamptons?” she asked with wide eyes.
I hoped she didn’t think it was actually on the menu.
She shook her head. “I like to come here once or twice a year because it’s just a place where I spent many summer days as a child, but this isn’t a place I want or need.”
I grabbed our luggage from the trunk, trying not to show my relief over Sara’s reply. We went to the front door and rang the bell. Nobody answered.
“Maybe they’re in the garden?”
“Maybe,” I said. I was sure that Amo had an alarm on his phone that alerted him of visitors.
I entered the code into the keypad and it glowed green before the lock released. Sara made a move as if to open the door but I touched her arm.
“Stay behind me. I want to make sure everything’s all right.”
Concern crossed her face. “Do you think something happened?” She swallowed hard. “That someone’s in there?”
“I doubt it but I won’t risk anything.” Our gazes locked and Sara gave a small nod, then she lightly touched my arm, before she stepped behind me. This small touch made my heart beat faster. It had almost felt like a hint of absolution.
I pulled my gun before I opened the door and stepped into the wide entrance hall with the wide staircase. It was absolutely silent inside. Slowly, Sara and I made our way into the mansion.
When we reached the panorama windows overlooking the premises and the ocean, and we still hadn’t found Amo or Greta I began to get suspicious for a very different reason. I didn’t think this had something to do with an attack. I knew Amo could hardly think about anything but Greta and had trouble keeping his hands off her.
That’s why I wasn’t surprised when I spotted Amo and Greta coming out of the small boat house at the pier a few minutes later. Amo was still closing his belt, and Greta was smoothing her hair down.
“Oh,” Sara said when she realized what was up. Her face turned red, and she gave me an awkward smile. “Maybe they would have preferred to be alone here.”
“We won’t stop them from getting it on, trust me.”
Sara let out a tight laugh.
Greta and Amo entered the living room through the french windows. After brief hugs, Greta said, “Have you picked a bedroom yet?”
Sara’s eyes widened slightly. Fuck. I hated admitting that my wife and I still didn’t share a bed. I trusted Amo, but even I felt embarrassed by the state of my marriage at this point.
“We’re picking one now,” I said firmly. I’d given Sara plenty of time but I had a feeling she wouldn’t do the next step if I didn’t push her. It had been the same with our sex life. I wanted things to progress. I wanted my wife by my side at night. End of story.
“Come on,” Maximus held out his hand and I took it. I was surprised that Maximus wanted to share a bedroom with me. Maybe it was only for appearance’s sake?