Page 81 of Sin and Redemption
“You didn’t,” I said as I stirred the cement into the water. “You were a good dad; you are.”
Dad lifted the huge stone he’d put over the wooden boards over the opening in the ground right at the fence. Houdini was on a chain that prevented him from reaching the fence. Dad was the only one who could go in. Houdini was a massive black-and-white American bulldog trained to kill and fight. He was a lost cause, but Dad would never give him up. We poured the concrete into the hole.
“You’ll be a good father too,” Dad said suddenly.
I hoped that was true. I’d do everything I could to be like Dad. Houdini watched us curiously as we filled his hole and waited for the concrete to set.
“He’ll dig a new hole, Dad. It’s only a matter of time.”
“Maybe. But I hate to have him on a chain. He’s already in prison. I don’t want to make it worse.”
“He’s a danger to others.”
“So are we, but we walk around free.”
I rolled my eyes. “I won’t chew anyone’s face off unless they are Bratva or don’t pay their debts, and even then, most of them get a less harsh punishment.”
Dad ignored me and tested the concrete with a stick. It was still too soft of course.
“You know as well as I do that he might be triggered by screaming children in the future.”
Dad gave me a strange smile. “Already thinking like a dad. I’m proud of you, son.”
I frowned, realizing he had a point.
“He won’t be a risk for your child. Until then, I want him to enjoy his life a bit.”
Even if it wasn’t apparent at first glance, Dad could be a real softy.
Mom appeared on the porch. “Come in. Let’s have some cake to celebrate!”
For some reason, I was tense when we stepped into the Cancio home. Sara and I had been over for dinner before, and I’d always been welcomed warmly, except for Flavio, but there had always been a hint of tension in the air and an insurmountable distance—that I hadn’t ever tried to bridge. I’d accepted it because of the past.
Today, I wondered how the news of Sara and me becoming parents would change things. Only Liliana knew about the pregnancy, and only she’d even known we were trying to have kids.
I wasn’t sure how Flavio and Romero would take the news.
Alea and Inessa came running to greet us. They hugged Sara tightly and gave me big smiles. I greeted Romero with a handshake and Flavio with a nod. He was the one who avoided me, and I had accepted his decision. Fuck, I knew how it was to hold a grudge forever, so I definitely wouldn’t judge him.
Liliana beamed when she came toward us after setting down a plate with homemade antipasti on the dining table. She kissed Sara’s cheek and hugged her tightly before she turned to me and pulled me into a hug as well.
Romero watched everything with curiosity. Liliana had obviously kept our secret.
Flavio frowned at us. Liliana had always tried to make me feel welcome, but today, I could really feel her warmth, which didn’t go unnoticed by Flavio and Romero either.
Sara looked up at me and raised her eyebrows. I gave a nod. She surprised me by taking my hand as she faced her family. That definitely didn’t go unnoticed either. While Sara and I had held hands or shared a quick peck with my parents around, we’d always kept our distance when at the Cancio home.
“We have good news,” Sara said, her voice already clogging up with emotions. She glanced up at me, and I gave a nod, then she looked back at her family. “I’m pregnant!” Tears burst out of her eyes as she laughed and cried simultaneously. I squeezed her hand before I released it so she could hug her sisters and father. Romero turned to Liliana, who looked like this was the happiest day of her life. “You knew?”
“Only for a few days. I had to promise not to tell anyone.”
Romero stepped up to me and held out his hand. I took it. He surprised me by pulling me into a hug and giving my back a pat. “I’m happy for you two, and I can tell you’re happy too.”
He pulled back and gave me a nod. The only one who held back with his excitement—because he didn’t feel any, I assumed—was Flavio. He hugged Sara briefly but gave me only one of his usual nods.
He wasn’t known for being reserved, so this was definitely because he hated me.
“Let’s eat,” Liliana urged.