Page 85 of Only and Forever
My heart races. “I do?”
He nods.
I squeeze his hand, pulling him closer, pulling myself closer, too. “That’s how you make me feel, too.”
Viggo’s gaze roams my face. He lifts his hand, cups my cheek. “Want to try... together?”
Air rushes out of me. I tip my face up, resting my hand on his thigh, anchoring myself. “I do, but I’m a mess, Viggo.”
“Makes two of us.”
“Itwillbe messy.”
His thumb sweeps along my cheek. “Define ‘it.’ ”
I swallow roughly, squeezing his thigh harder. He’s pushing me, just a little. But hasn’t he given me so much, telling me he wants to meet me where I am, to open himself up to what’s happening, unclear and hazy as it is? Hasn’t he walked so far across that bridge between us? Can’t I take a few steps, too?
“By ‘it,’ I mean... ‘us.’ ” A slow, shaky breath leaves me. “What’s between us. Whatever it might turn out to be.”
His smile deepens. His eyes search mine, tender, warm. “Lula.”
I peer up at him, my voice shaking. “Viggo.”
“Can I kiss you?” he asks roughly.
I nod, silent, cupping his face, that thick, dense beard tickling my hand. I draw him close until we brush mouths, soft, slow.
Air gusts out of his lungs. Viggo leans in, chasing the end of our kiss, beginning another. This one deeper, savoring.
I sigh with happiness.
“You taste so good, Lu.” He whispers it against our kiss, openmouthed, searching for more. I give it to him, my tongue stroking his, my hands in his hair.
We fall back onto the sofa, and I feel him, already hard inside his shorts, wedged right up against me. I moan. “Youfeelso good,” I whisper.
He smiles against our kiss. “So do you.”
Viggo’s hips shift against mine, pressing deeper as our kissdeepens, too. I feel their proximity to my pod, adhered to the left side of my stomach, and set my hands on his shoulders to stop us.
“Sorry,” he whispers, staring down at me, concern in his eyes. “Too fast?”
“Just my pod.” He saw it on move-in day, when we bumped bodies, so I don’t bother lifting up my dress to show him. “It’s on my left side. It can’t get bumped or rubbed, because that could make it come loose or fall off.”
He nods. “Okay. I’ll be careful. Do you want to show me how... the best way...”
I press him onto his back and he takes my cue, drawing me over him, cradling my neck. Our gazes hold as he pulls back, searching my eyes. “I want to make you feel good, Lula.”
“I want to give you that, too.”
“You first,” he mutters. His hand slips into my hair, cups my head, and we fall sideways, my thigh climbing up over his hip. His free hand skates up my leg, splayed wide, possessive, up over my ass. He groans. “What kind of panties are these?”
“The expensive kind.”
He grips the lace tight in his hand and sighs. “You’re gonna kill me.”
“I better not. We have unfinished business.”
“Yeah, we do.”