Page 106 of Heavenly Bodies
‘I’ve been avoiding you and ignoring you…I’m sorry. I…’
Gods, this was difficult. Why was everything so difficult to communicate now? She swallowed hard, willing down the lump forming in her throat.
‘After Sofia,’ she forced out, ‘I couldn’t bear to be around you. It’s just that…’ She swallowed again. ‘You are the closest friend I have here. From the moment I set foot in the palace, you made me feel welcome. And whenever I saw your face, I saw hers. It felt like I was replacing her.’
The tears were falling now, and she sighed, raising her hands up the air in exasperation.
Merissa took a tea towel and wiped her face gently. ‘Elara,’ she said sternly. ‘You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing, do you hear me?’
Elara nodded. ‘I just feel like I shouldn’t be able to have other friends or enjoy myself when Sofia—’ She had to take a gulp of air as her sobs poured out. ‘When Sofia went through what she did.’
Merissa drew her into a tight hug.
‘You’re allowed to feel what you’re feeling. But you’re also allowed to move forward. It’s what Sofia would have wanted.’
Elara gave a small smile. ‘Someone very wise said something similar.’ She embraced Merissa again, holding her tightly. ‘I’ve missed you,’ she said into her hair, the sweet smell of rosewater enveloping her.
‘And I you. I’m glad you visited. Isra dropped by yesterday and told me the news.’
‘About the glass?’ Elara said, lowering her voice.
Merissa nodded. ‘She has a plan. For Aphrodea?’
Elara nodded. ‘If Enzo can get Idris on board, we may finally have the upper hand with Ariete.’
Merissa had a knowing smile on her lips.
‘What?’ Elara said.
‘Oh, nothing,’ Merissa replied innocently. ‘She just also may have mentioned how exactly you made it.’
‘Dear Stars,’ Elara muttered, sucking the icing off her fingers.
‘All I’ll say, is, if that’s how close you and the prince are, you’ll have a lot of fun in my kingdom. You know, I had an idea that I floated past Isra.’
‘And what was that?’ Elara groaned.
‘You want to announce your presence to the world. And in the land of lust, let’s just say it’s…customary to greet guests with a warm welcome.’
‘Go on…’
‘When Enzo arrives, the queens of Aphrodea will no doubt kick up a huge fuss and demand he partake in the custom Aphrodean dance. It’s a little less inhibited than the ones you’re used to in Asteria.’
Elara sighed. ‘I already know what you’re going to say.’
‘You’re going to be the star of the show—pardon the pun. All eyes will be on you as we let the world know thatQueenElara of Asteria is alive.’
Elara’s heart fluttered at the title. She released a deep breath.
‘Well, that doesn’t sound daunting at all. An easy task to captivate hundreds of people at a foreign court with a dance I don’t know the first step of.’
Merissa’s smile only widened. ‘That’s what I’m here for.’
The solstice approached, and still Elara waited for further instructions as to what to do with the duskglass.
Enzo had taken the object they had created to the only blacksmith in Sol that he trusted, and the man had fused the slice to a hilt, fashioning the magickal glass into a knife. Since Elara had received it, it had stayed strapped securely next to Sofia’s dagger, the two weapons never leaving her thigh. She barely saw Leo and Enzo, who were tied up in the war room, strategizing with Idris. Leyon had refused to invite Ariete to Helios, and so they were back to the drawing board.