Page 122 of Heavenly Bodies
Merissa was just applying the finishing touches to Elara’s new outfit, as Elara wrapped up telling her and Isra about the kiss in the clouds of Aphrodea.
The glamourer sighed dreamily. ‘So, do you think it’s going to happen tonight?’
Isra rolled her eyes. ‘I think this is Mer’s very delicate way of asking, are you finally going to fuck?’
Elara snickered ‘Skies, I want to. He’s so—’ She moaned for emphasis.
Merissa flashed her a wicked smile. ‘Don’teverlet him know that I said this, but if there is one thing about that man, it’s that you can just tell he knows how to satisfy a woman. It’s in his walk.’
Heat bloomed through Elara.
‘Gods, Merissa,’ Isra groaned, ‘please don’t tell him. He doesn’t need the ego boost.’ She rose from the bed and drifted to Elara’s wardrobe to scan the dresses hanging inside it. She was already dressed in a stunning tangerine dress that left little to the imagination, and Elara knew the whole court’s eyes would be glued to her.
‘What’s wrong?’ Merissa asked as she noticed Elara remained quiet.
‘It’s just, I’ve thought a lot about Sofia today. How proud she’d be of me. How much fun she would have had with the two of you. She would have loved you.’ She willed her tears away as she looked at the ceiling. ‘Especially Isra,’ she said, and laughed.
Isra’s hazel eyes livened with amusement. ‘She is with you, El. She’s always with you.’
Merissa took Elara’s hands, pulling her up to inspect her fully.
‘Dear skies, this may be some of my best work.’
When Elara turned, Isra let out a low whistle. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to be my date? I’m much prettier than Enzo.’
Elara laughed, turning to the full-length mirror.
She hardly recognized herself. She’d never worn a dress like this before. Sheer panels the colour of emeralds slid down her legs and pooled like molten lava at her feet. A slit so high that you could see the curve of her hip crept up athigh, showing the length of her tanned leg. Two thin straps graced her shoulders, the neckline plunging dramatically. Merissa had slicked her ebony hair up into a high ponytail, a golden cuff placed at the base of it, its length swinging to her waist. The look left her face severely open, showing every sharp plane of her high cheekbones, smoked kohl winging her eyes out felinely, her lips shimmering like diamonds, ripe for kissing.
Her eyes rested on the peek of golden underwear visible at the top of the dress’s slit.
‘Yes,’ Merissa said, her eyes following Elara’s. ‘I think you’re going to have to lose those.’
Isra howled and Elara pushed her off the bed, as she went to the bathroom and did as Merissa advised, nerves thrilling through her as to how the night may unfold.
Elara’s heart pounded with anticipation as she walked arm-in-arm with Isra and Merissa. With her chin high, she stilled at the top of the grand staircase, assessing the scene below. Women in flimsy fabric milled around, the sensuous thump of music feeding the dark spell that seemed cast below Elara. She saw a couple against a wall, kissing passionately; elsewhere, a woman had her legs wrapped around the waist of a tall, muscled soldier, her dress hitched around her hips. The shadows within Elara twirled, longing to feel the pleasure set before her.
She turned to Merissa, whose eyes were already uncharacteristically dark, then to Isra, whose cool gaze was surveying the scene below with a mixture of delight and desire. The three slowly began to sashay down the grand staircase, noticing with satisfaction the heads whipping their way.
Soldiers and courtiers alike snagged their gazes on Elara’s bare leg, Isra’s curves and Merissa’s new suggestion of a dress—a far cry from the more demure gown she’d worn in Aphrodea. A handsome soldier, shirtless with his muscles rippling, came up to Isra and offered his hand.
‘Move,’ she scoffed, dancing away from his grasp. Elara stifled a laugh.
She could hear the music reverberating louder, so deep she could feel it pulsing through her. Its beat was different to the music in Aphrodea, a slow tempo with violins and drums that only added to the anticipation moving through her body.
As she reached the throne room doors, knowing Enzo must be waiting behind them, her pulse roared in her ears. From this point forward, the true debauchery would begin.
The guard by the door, his mouth gaping ajar, coughed. ‘After you, ladies.’
The door swung open.
Enzo was sprawled on his throne, his jacket discarded and his shirt unbuttoned low. Commanding energy radiated from his fire-lit eyes, hazy with ambrosia, his crown tipped on his head of midnight-black hair. He was talking to Leo over his shoulder, who was exhaling pink-coloured smoke from his mouth, sucking a pipe indolently. A woman with olive skin, blue-black hair and deep brown eyes was talking and laughing with them.
‘Now,there’smy date,’ Isra murmured, her eyes transfixed on the lovely woman.
‘You didn’t tell me you were courting someone,’ Elara whispered.