Page 14 of Heavenly Bodies
Enzo walked back, drawing his sword. The thing roared, and Elara closed her eyes, still trembling as she felt it pound the earth. She could feel it as a part of her; when she wanted it to move, it did. When she told it to swing, she heard Enzo grunt.
‘Elara!’ he shouted. But she wouldn’t open her eyes. She didn’t want to see what she had created—what dwelled within her. She shook with anger as she let the monster attack. She wanted him to die. Truly, in that moment she wanted to kill him, for him to feel the terror and helplessness he had made her feel.
There was a cry of pain. ‘Elara, stop!’
Her eyes fluttered open at the request, and she saw a mass of something silver and hulking bear down upon Enzo. Sheblinked, and just as fast as it had appeared, it evaporated into the hazy air.
The prince lay panting, as she stood, still against the tree, her hands white-knuckled and balled into fists.
‘I warned you,’ she said quietly. ‘Perhaps next time you’ll listen.’
Blood poured from a gash in his arm, and inwardly she reeled. Her nightmares had never been able to touch someone before. Her illusions had always been just that—illusions.
‘We’re done here,’ he hissed. ‘My father can throw you back to Ariete for all I care.’
He turned away and strode off back down the hill, without so much as a glance back to see if she’d still follow.
That night, Elara asked to take dinner in her room, giving a tight nod to Leonardo, who seemed to have taken up residency outside her door. If she had been in a different mood, she may have taunted him about his apparent demotion to guard duty, but her hands were still shaking as she twisted the knob and closed the door firmly shut. It was only then, with a door between her and the rest of the world, that she dissolved into desperate sobs.
The light, the memories, the feeling of helplessness, the prince’swords, it all crashed upon her. She hated him. She had never hated a person more. The pain in her chest was almost cracking her in two when she heard soft, slippered footsteps approach.
Elara looked up, desperately trying to wipe her tears as Merissa stood there, concern plastered over her face.
‘Elara,’ she breathed. She set down the heavily laden tray of food she was carrying, and then disappeared into the bathroom with quick steps, returning with a clean hand towel that she passed to Elara. The gesture—the small kindness insuch an evil fucking kingdom—set off another fresh wave of tears.
A cool hand rested upon her chest. ‘Breathe,’ Merissa soothed.
Elara tried to, another big, shuddering wail leaving her.
‘Once more,’ Merissa said.
Elara tried again, this time able to take a full breath. Merissa kept her hand on Elara’s heart until her whimpers had subsided.
‘My brother used to do that for me when I was little,’ she said quietly, her eyes crinkling. ‘Better?’
Elara nodded, sniffing.
Merissa opened her mouth, then closed it. Elara watched as she wetted her lips before speaking. ‘I know this is hard,’ she began hesitantly. ‘I know this kingdom isn’t one you want to be in. I know that life has taken so much from you in the space of a few days. But remember this. You are a queen. It is in your blood. Try as they might, no one can take that from you.’ She lowered her voice. ‘Not Prince Lorenzo, or King Idris.’ She paused, and Elara waited. ‘I-I hope I’m not speaking out of turn. But if…if you ever need a friendly face, you’re allowed to roam freely through the palace. I’m usually in the kitchen during the day. So if there’s anything you need after your training, or if you just want a break from His Highness, you can find me there.’
Elara squeezed Merissa’s hand. Perhaps she shouldn’t have. Perhaps she should have seen her as an enemy too. But so little kindness had been shown to her, and here Merissa was, offering it on a silver platter.
‘Thank you,’ she replied hoarsely.
The next day, Elara was woken in the same manner, by Merissa with a tray bursting with treats. This time she’d included some pastries, and Elara made the glamourer share one with her. As she ate, she wondered whether King Idris would do exactly what Enzo wanted and hand her over to Ariete. But to her reluctant relief, she was dressed in clean linens, glamoured and led once more down the great staircase.
This time, Enzo wasn’t waiting for her, and Merissa took her towards the throne room. As they reached the doors, she heard shouting beyond them.
‘I cannot, Father! Her illusions, her tricks—this magick is beneath me. It’s humiliating. Moreover, she is weak—uncontrolled. She tried to kill me, for Stars’ sake! I refuse.’
‘Refuse?’ Idris’s voice replied coldly. ‘You will do well to remember that I am your king. To disobey my order is to commit treason. You know the punishment for that, don’t you?’
There was a pause. ‘Yes, Father.’
Merissa tried to usher Elara away, but she shook her head, pressing her ear against the door. ‘Her attempt on your life beliesyourweakness, Lorenzo.Thatis the embarrassment. Now get out of my sight. If she tries to kill you again, good. If she succeeds, so be it. It means she has power. The kind of power that might rise against a Star.’
More silence. A resigned sigh.