Page 27 of Heavenly Bodies
A sound of amusement emerged from Elara against her will. ‘He certainly hasn’t shown me many.’
Isra tutted, pushing her cards away into a neat pile, before bringing various pots to her upon the table. She idly added herbs from them to a stone bowl. Her fingers danced around, knowing each plant without looking. ‘Enzo,’ she admonished. ‘You’re usually far more charming with beautiful women.’
‘Beautiful? I hadn’t noticed,’ he muttered.
‘Yes, Enzo seems to think scales grow beneath my gown, and horns grow from my forehead, all because I’m Asterian.’
Isra tipped back her head and laughed. ‘Oh, I likeyou.’ She slid her cool gaze to Enzo. ‘Now I see why you tried to keep her from me.’
Enzo only rolled his eyes as he propped a leg against the wall and leaned back. Isra winked at Elara.
‘Sit, Your Majesty.’ She gestured to the wooden chair as she stood, making her way through a small arch to where the kettle whistled. ‘Can I offer you a tea?’
‘Yes, please,’ Elara replied, parched from the city walk.
‘Mint okay?’
‘Fine, thank you,’ Elara called.
‘How do you take it, Elara?’
‘With honey,’ Enzo’s voice sounded roughly behind her. ‘Two spoons of it.’
Elara stilled. She turned in her seat, but Enzo was scowling as always, studying a painting of snow-capped mountains above Elara’s head.
‘How do you kn—’
‘So, Elara,’ Isra interrupted from the kitchen, cutting Elara’s question short. The sound of teacups and spoons clinking drifted through. ‘Why is it you need my help?’
Heat rose to Elara’s cheeks, and she focused on the worn wooden table as she spoke. ‘It’s my shadows. I can’t access them.’
Dread was beginning to drip like poison into her gut.
Enzo spoke. ‘I’ve tried to find out how we can unblock them. But I can’t get a read on her. Too many damn shadows.’
Elara glared at him. Isra reappeared with a mug for Elara, handing it to her.
‘And why do you want to unblock your shadows?’ she asked.
‘What do you mean?’ said Enzo. ‘You know of my father’s plans. It’s so that she can kill Ariete.’
Isra cast a withering look at Enzo. ‘Not you, fool. I’m asking Elara.’
She turned back to her, as Enzo sputtered in indignation. ‘Why doyouwant to wield your shadows?’ she asked tenderly.
Elara fought past the panic that had begun to rise. ‘Because they’re a part of me, and walking around without being able to use them feels like having phantom limbs.’ She took a sip of tea to try and stop the croak in her throat. ‘Because I don’t ever want to feel helpless again.’
Isra regarded her coolly. ‘Hmm. There’s a deep wound within you, Elara.’
Elara averted her eyes. ‘I don’t want to do this.’
Isra looked at Enzo. ‘Maybe you should bring her back when she’s ready.’
‘Over my dead body,’ Enzo snapped. ‘If we don’t find out the cause of her blockage, then we cannot find the cure. My father will not allow more time. You will read her now, and that’s a royal order.’
Ice froze in Isra’s eyes as she glared at Enzo, a tight set to her lips.
‘If it isa royal order, I suppose I must, Your Highness,’ she bit out. When she turned back to Elara, her expression softened. ‘Elara, you have nothing to fear. And I give you my word that anything I see won’t be used against you. I’m sorry that I have to do this when you aren’t ready.’ And she sounded earnest. ‘But Enzo is my prince. As well as a pain in my arse.’