Page 52 of Heavenly Bodies
He blinked, turning his attention back to Elara. ‘Are you unwell?’
‘I have my monthly,’ she replied, and his eyes softened. He closed the door, walking towards her, and she sat up in alarm. ‘What are you doing?’
He sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Is there any way I can help?’
‘Why are you being so nice to me?’ Her eyes narrowed as he rubbed his palms together. He avoided looking at her, his usual sarcastic smile on his face.
‘We’re allies now, aren’t we? And the sooner I can get you feeling well again and back to training, the better.’
‘So, you came, a knight in shining armour to distract me from my pain with your rambling.’
‘I can think of many other ways I could distract you from the pain, princess,’ he purred. She raised an eyebrow. ‘What? You think a little blood scares me?’ He smirked. ‘Did you forget that I’m the warrior prince of Helios?’
Elara rolled her eyes, slumping back down on to her pillows as she tried to ignore the heat his words brought to her. She distracted herself in her favourite way, by insulting him. ‘Trust you to find a way to praise yourself. It’s a real talent, you know.’
‘Here,’ he said, ignoring her. ‘Lift up your dress.’
‘You know, for a rakish prince, I thought you’d be more well-versed in how to get a woman to drop her knickers. Merissa has spoken to me more romantically.’
Enzo threw back his head and laughed at that, the sound like bursting light. She gave a small smile and opened her robe, her thin slip underneath visible. Enzo shifted closer, the bed lurching with his weight until he was bent over her. Then with his eyes closed, there was the sound of cracklingas he held his palms facing each other. With a furtive smile to her, he put his hands to her bloated stomach. She groaned against the sensation, the warmth immediately giving her some respite.
‘That feels incredible.’
‘Not the first time a woman has uttered those words in my presence.’
‘And just like that, you ruined it.’ She made to pull away, but he held her there, his strong hands pressing gently against her. She almost tried to fight it, but she was too exhausted and it felt too good.
‘Does your magick increase at this time?’ he asked, shaking a curl from his eyes as he looked up at her again.
‘How did you know?’
‘You act as though I don’t know women.’
There was a tense pause as Elara felt a lurch of something in her stomach.
‘Isra,’ he said hurriedly, clarifying. ‘Growing up with her I learned alot.Her gifts become unruly around her cycle. It’s a marvel to watch.’
Elara laughed. ‘I can imagine.’
‘Once, she froze an entire group of ambassadors from Altalune. Almost ruined an entire trade agreement between our kingdoms.’ He chuckled at the memory.
‘You’re lucky to have each other,’ Elara said quietly.
Enzo nodded. ‘Isra is the closest thing I have to a sister. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.’
‘How come Isra isn’t still at court then?’
Enzo scoffed. ‘Can you really imagine her here? She’s far too impatient for the boredom and etiquette of palace life. The moment she was old enough, she left.’
‘Hearing you talk about your childhood makes me miss Sofia.’
Enzo continued to warm her stomach, not looking at her. She gave a small smile. ‘She was like a sister to me too. We grew up together in the palace. I remember once, when we were teenagers, succumbing to ourgrowing pains, she caused a blackout through the entire kingdom.’
‘How in the Stars’ names did she do that?’ Enzo asked incredulously. She laughed at the look on his face.
‘I’d stolen her favourite dress to wear to the winter solstice ball. I told her she was just mad because I looked better in it than her.’
‘Sounds like you,’ he said.