Page 103 of Fallen Stars
Adrian moaned as the womanstraddling him rocked her hips. Sera was his favourite girl at port, and godsdamn if those hips didn’t move like the water he adored so much.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Sera moaned over him, and he closed his eyes, savouring the sound.
Adrian loved women. Really and truly loved them. Worshipped them, and when the world was as full as his was with the most beautiful maidens you could lay eyes on, how could he pick just one?
“You know, the stories really don’t do you justice, Blueheart,” Sera breathed. Adrian chuckled as he gripped her hips, pushing himself out of her as he slowly began to slide down the bed.
“Well, I have to keep up appearances, don’t I?” he murmured.
Sera was already cursing and moaning her agreement as he grinned, positioning his face just underneath her beautiful, wet cunt.
He sighed, happy to be home, as he sank her hips over him and began to lap at her with his tongue.
“Gods,” Sera exclaimed, and the following gyrating showed Adrian what he already knew, that he was a master at worshipping women.
Like he’d said, he loved them. Loved making a woman writhe and scream. There was nothing that got his cock harder than tasting a woman as she came. Some of his crew had tried to ridicule him about loving to perform oral sex on a woman. But he’d just laughed and told them they weren’t man enough if they didn’t put a woman’s pleasure before their own tiny dicks.
“This feel good?” he murmured, knowing that the vibration of his voice would send rivets of pleasure through her.
He located her sweet bud deftly, wrapping his lips around it and sucking hard. He heard Sera slam her hands onto the headboard and chuckled.
“Hold on tight,” he murmured before devouring her.
And just as she began to pick up her own rhythm as he thought for the third time that day that he could drown here and die happy, the door swung open.
Adrian froze, Sera shrieking as she covered herself and leapt off him. He wiped his mouth, turning slowly, and heard a voice before he saw who it belonged to.
“Well,” Lyra said, an army of people behind her. “That’s one way to make an introduction.”
Sera had already fled the room, gods love her, by the time Adrian had got his britches on and sorted his…situation down there. Which didn’t take too long. Nothing quite made him soft like a group of strangers staring in amusement around him.
Lyra stepped forward, a small smile playing at the corner of her full lips. He’d forgotten how beautiful she was. Her mask had covered part of her face the last time he’d seen her, and he took a second to truly drink her in.
Someone cleared their throat, taking a step next to her and snaking a hand around her waist. Lyra rolled her eyes, smiling, and Adrian frowned at the man currently burning his gaze into him.
Dear lords, he was beautiful too. Golden skin and eyes, muscles looking carved from marble… If Adrian was at all insecure in his masculinity, he may have puffed out his chest a little. May have…
“Wait a minute,” he said, recognition dawning on him. “I recognise that look. You were Lyra’s date at the ball, the one who wouldn’t stop staring at her and snatched her away from me.”
He squinted, something still niggling at him as he saw the gold sword slung around the man’s waist. Why did he recognise that sword?
“Wait!” he said again, and Lyra raised a brow, almost waiting for him to make the connection.
“You’rePrince Lorenzo.”Adrian’s mouth curled derisively. Fuck, he hated this man, had met him a few times as a teenager in Neptuna when he was just as insufferably arrogant as now, prancing about with that same gold sword.
“It’s King now,” Lorenzo replied, smirking.
Adrian clenched his jaw before replying.“They’re hunting you across the whole fucking continent!”
Adrian went to get past, but another great hulk of a man stepped in with even more weapons strapped to him—three short knives strapped along his chest, a sword at his belt. The stranger tutted, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Adrian looked around indignantly. “Lyra, what is this? Why are you keeping company with a wanted criminal?”
There was a snort, and Adrian looked aghast as yet anotherperson came into view behind the grinning-hulking-warrior men.
“Says you,” the beauty said. “You’re a pirate.”
Adrian looked her up and down, her black cloud of curls and dancing hazel eyes. He opened his mouth—