Page 121 of Fallen Stars
“This witch is warning you. For a reason. And ifLady Fateis no longer slumbering, then we are in deep, deep shit,” Lias said.
“Don’t even speak of it,” Eli hissed.
“You’re not an ignorant fool, Eli. You’re more intelligent than that.” Lias looked around the street to their shadows stretched by the sun, and Eli shivered. “And if the Dark is awake, then your precious Sun and Moon are in danger,” he whispered.
Eli laughed. “Precious? What are you blabbering about?”
Lias cast him a deadpan look, and it always struck Eli how clever Lias was beneath his shallow façade. “My mother is Torra. You don’t think I haven’t known all along what the two of you have been plotting? Two titans awake, an era of peace. You and I have been allied, dear Eli, all along. Torra told both me and Merissa everything.” A look flashed through his eyes at the mention of his sister.
“I met her in Castor, you know,” Eli said. “Your sister. She’s the better looking of you two, that’s for certain.”
Lias grinned again, the look swept from his face and replaced by his usual lightness. “Liar through and through,” he said. “How is she?”
“Fine, with Elara by her side.” Eli smiled as he recalled just how Elara had nearly maimed the man who had touched Merissa. “You have no need to worry about her safety.”
Lias’s wings twitched as he nodded coolly. “So this warning? What are you planning to do with it?”
Eli sighed, asking himself yet again why responsibility always fell on his shoulders.
“I suppose I’m heading to Kaos.”
Chapter Forty-Three
“Adrian, I—” Elara started.
“Take one more fucking step,” Enzo growled at Adrian, interrupting, “and I will incinerate you from the inside out.”
Adrian was still looking in shock at Elara as Enzo stepped in front of her, shielding her from view.
“You’re getting off at the next port,” Adrian finally hissed. “You’ve been lying since the moment I met you, and now I find out that you’re thefucking Moon?! The entity that has brought utter chaos to our world the minute she rose?”
“Keep your godsdamned voice down,” Enzo snarled. “You’re taking us to Concordia.”
“No, the fuck I’m not. The next port is Shadow’s Bay, Asteria. You can go back to where you came from and let the Stars deal with you,” he said, casting a disgusted look at Elara.
Enzo slammed into him, flinging his body into the mast of the ship.
“Oh, Adrian. You don’t know much about me. I really have quite a thing about people speaking to my soulmate in a certain tone.”
His hand gripped Adrian’s neck.
“Now, unless you want me to fashion a noose and hang you from your beloved ship, you’re taking us to Concordia. And you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”
Adrian spluttered.
“Enzo, leave him,” Elara murmured, regarding the pirate coolly.
Enzo released him instantly, Adrian falling to the ground and coughing.
“So I take it if she’s the Moon, then you’re the Sun?” Adrian wheezed, staring with hateful eyes at Enzo.
Enzo grinned. “And they say pirates aren’t clever.”
The following week aboard the Starred Siren was challenging to say the least. After their argument, Adrian had stormed off without another word and had been avoiding Enzo and Elara since.
Dinners had been…awkward, Isra and Adrian’s first mate, Santi, trying to break the tension with jokes that were met with a sullen silence all ‘round.
Elara didn’t enjoy this rift with Adrian. It was strange, she knew, since she hardly knew the man at all. But there was a strange yearning in her heart towards him, an unease that wouldn’t lie until she smoothed things over with the pirate.