Page 130 of Fallen Stars
“Oh, this is just perfect. It’s like a fairytale.”
“Merissa, he hasn’t even seen her yet,” Isra sighed.
“So?” Merissa retorted. “Love is love.”
Adrian spluttered. “We’re hardly in love. I’ve only been talking to her for a few days.”
Elara rolled her eyes. “A typical man. Enzo knew the moment he laid eyes on me. He just didn’tknowhe knew.”
“That…doesn’t even make sense,” Adrian muttered. “Besides, Enzo isn’t normal.”
Elara pointed a wooden spoon at him. “Watch how you talk about my soulmate.”
Isra waved everyone quiet. “Look, regardless—you like her, don’t you?”
“You want to see her?”
“Of course.”
“Makeloveto her?” Isra grinned.
“Iz,” Merissa said, rolling her eyes,
“What?! He’s a man. It’s natural.”
Adrian smirked. “That it is.”
Elara was grimacing at him. “If you want to see her, then you need towooher Adrian. Court her properly. Just talking to her isn’t enough.”
Adrian frowned. “It isn’t? I’ve never had to do anything else before.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Merissa asked.
“Well…usually they just take one look at me and…” he trailed off, an arrogant smile plastered on his face.
The three women groaned, rolling eyes as they continued with their tasks.
“It sounds like this mermaid has higher standards than that. And since you can’t simply look at her and expect her to drop to her knees, you’ll have to use that pretty little head of yours,” Isra said.
Adrian gasped. “You think I’m pretty?”
Isra snorted.
“You should make her a cake,” Elara said.
“Well, that was my original plan…”
“Better yet!” Merissa exclaimed. “Collect every pearl she gave you and make a necklace from it for her.” She sighed. “So romantic.”
Elara’s lip quirked as she traced the scar at her throat. Adrian frowned before turning back to the other two women.
Isra scoffed. “Here’s an idea. How about you grow some balls and simply invite her up?”
“I’ll consider all three suggestions. Thank you, ladies.” He heard Santi shouting orders above them. “Damn it. I came in here to bake her a cake.”
Merissa shooed him off the counter. “We can do that for you. Besides, you’re needed up there.”