Page 138 of Fallen Stars
“Adrian, I know you will despise me even more for pulling rank, but I’ve fought far more battles than you. If we kill their captain, this is all over.”
Adrian clenched his jaw as he summoned a whirlpool before throwing it towards the Svetan ship. “Fine,” he said. “Get to the ropes.”
“Isra!” Enzo roared, grinning as he pounded down the deck.
“Yes?!” he heard her reply.
“You ready for a Svetan reunion? Come with me.”
Adrian landed with a thunk onto the enemy ship, his ankles jarring on impact. He heard Enzo land behind him, Isra too, light on her feet.
Immediately, he was swept up in the battle, his sword clashing against another’s as the Svetans launched at him.
He could feel fire rippling behind him as Enzo fought off the onslaught with ease. Adrian cursed, dodging a running bonfire. Oh Stars, no, aperson—set alight and screaming in agony as they threw themselves off the side of the ship.
Burned flesh singed his nostrils, and he spared a glance, sword plunging through the chest of another sailor as he looked at Enzo.
The titan inhaled deeply, a grin on his face as he opened his eyes, shining gold.
Adrian paled a little. He had forgotten about the Lion’s powers. Seeing how softly Enzo treated Elara or how he joked with his friends, Adrian had forgotten that the man before him had set fire to entire villages, had turned countless bodies to ash.
Enzo winked, as though reading Adrian’s thoughts, and with a laugh, set another person ablaze.
Isra walked between them, carving a path of bodies with her blade, blood streaking her face as she slashed and jabbed. The woman could fight, and Adrian wasn’t in the least bit surprised since she had a commander and a warrior prince as her honorary brothers.
Adrian cursed as a beast of a man approached with a guttural cry, swinging an axe through the air.
Enzo tutted, fire rippling off him again and encasing the screaming man.
“Thanks,” Adrian breathed before slicing down another sailor.
“Don’t mention it. Eyes on the captain?” Enzo shouted over the roar.
“Up there,” Isra nodded to the wheel of the ship where the Svetan captain was still freezing the water, ice continuing to creep closer to The Starred Siren.
Enzo cursed as a sword sliced his bicep, whirling to address the threat.
Adrian saw Isra continue up, a snarl on her face as she fought and fought, dodging and weaving to reach the pirate.
Adrian chased after her, content to let Enzo do the killing as he went to Isra’s aid, the seer leaping onto the upper deck, right before the captain.
Adrian forced off the rest of the crew, his hand a whir of steel as it defended the woman before him.
“Little Helion girl,” the Svetan captain cooed, “playing with big boy swords.”
Isra gave a cold chuckle. She held her cutlass before her and ran her tongue slowly up the length of the blade. Ice began to coat it, crackling as it followed her tongue to the tip of the blade, a wickedly sharp iced point forming that pulsed with magick.
“I’m Svetan too,” she drawled before slashing it through his sword.
To Adrian’s shock, the Svetan’s sword shattered, the captain staggering back.
Isra tilted her head. “Pirates are meant to have eye patches, aren’t they?” And with a vicious curl to her lips, she impaled her ice sword through his eye.
Adrian may have just fallen in love. He stood, slack-jawed, as Enzo chuckled, finally by their side. “She’s good, isn’t she?”
Adrian turned to reply, seeing the litter of burning bodies. Holy fucking gods.
Piles of ash and charred bodies lay in Enzo’s wake, the ship deadly quiet in the deep night—the few crew members still alive cowering in the corner.