Page 155 of Fallen Stars
“Really, I’m fine,” Adrian gritted out.
“Nonsense,” Merissa said, taking up a seat next to him. “Celebrate your wins, Adrian. Even if your losses seem bigger.”
Perhaps it was a touch of Merissa’s charm lacing through the room, or maybe the pirate just had a soft spot for the glamour because he begrudgingly inclined his head. “Fine. But only one.”
“That’s the spirit,” Leo grinned as Enzo came back with two bottles of the Kaosian liquor.
Elara studied Eli, who hadn’t yet said a word. He was fiddling with the knife pendant at his neck, observing the group. When he caught her looking, he raised a brow.
What?he said into her head.
Say something nice to Adrian.
She heard a cold laugh in her head.And why would I do that? He lost an eye? I lost a heart. We all lose things, Elara. He’s not special.
Elara sighed, threading her hand through Enzo’s as she watched Adrian take a shot of the flamespirit, wincing.
“That’ll do,” Isra chuckled, knocking one back herself. A comfortable chatter struck up, Merissa making Adrian feel more at ease. Elara adored that about her friend. It was a special kind of magick for Merissa to make anyone feel at ease around her.
“We need some music,” Elara remarked, standing. “To really commemorate the occasion.”
“Yes!” Enzo agreed. “Leo and I can play.”
Leo sprang up. “Any instruments lying around?”
Adrian looked dubiously between Leo and Enzo. “You’re telling me that two of the most feared warriors in Celestia like to play music?”
Leo staggered back, a hand on his heart. “Enzo, I’m offended. He thinks us nothing but brainless thugs.”
“I’m a sculptor you know.Verygood with my hands,” Enzo added.
“I can vouch for that.” Elara smirked. Enzo looked at her and winked, and she felt butterflies flutter in her stomach. Adrian rolled his eyes.
“And I,” Leo proclaimed, “am a dab hand with a pianoforte.”
“Yes,” Adrian drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “because the very first thing us pirates think to carry onto a boat is a fucking pianoforte for a Helion warrior to waltz in and play. I must have forgotten mine, what between my ship sinking and coming back from the brink of death as a titan.”
Eli coughed into his wine.
“Something funny?” Adrian asked. “Wait, don’t I technically outrank you now that I’m a titan?”
“Why don’t you find out?” Eli crooned, taking another sip of his wine.
Elara smiled to herself. “I think I can help with the music.”
Merissa caught her eye, a gleam in hers. “I’ll get more wine!”
“Get some more flamespirit while you’re at it. This bottle will be gone between Adrian and I alone. And Elara will start dancing with a swig of that in her,” Isra winked.
Elara gave her a warning point, allowing herself to be hauled up by Enzo as Leo and Isra cleared the plates.
Adrian and Eli sat, wary as the group shooed them out of their chairs, pushing the cleared table to one end. Elara hated anyone feeling out of place, and the new titan and the Star perhaps weren’t used to the rest of the group’s ways. She would soon change that.
With a smile, she hitched her skirts, gracefully stepping from a chair onto the table. “This,” she said, “will be our piano.”
She felt a thrill of excitement as she waved her hand, casting an illusion over the table. A ledge sprouted, keys tinkling as they fell in black and ivory onto the frame.
“Holy shit,” Adrian muttered. Eli didn’t look surprised.