Page 169 of Fallen Stars
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“For what? You didn’t do this to me.”
Oceanne was quiet as she threaded a hand through his and led him across the deck and up the small steps towards the ship wheel. Adrian knew this only because he knew the anatomy of a ship as well as his own body. When she stopped, and he felt something at his back, he knew he’d reached the mizzen mast, the thick pole nudging him.
“Do you think it’s safe for me to be here?” she asked.
She sounded closer, and he restrained himself from ripping the blindfold off.
“QueenElara and King Lorenzo have disappeared to one of the coves. The rest of my friends are passed out from too much kaosian spirit. We’re fine.”
“Ah yes, you forgot to mention how esteemed the company you keep is.”
Adrian made an amused sound. “I suppose there’s no hiding it now after what happened today. Elara mentioned something about a benevolent mermaid. I suppose you met her then.”
Oceanne was close to him; he felt her sigh as it tickled his throat.
“I dragged you onto her boat,” she said. “You nearly died, Adrian. How are you feeling—really?
Adrian wasn’t sure how to answer. He was…a Titan. How did one begin to explain that? He knew he didn’t want to yet, just wanted to be a pirate, spending his night very unconventionally with a mermaid.
“Tired, but fine. I was worried for you. The poison in the waters…”
“You didn’t need to be. I got away before it managed to touch me. I’m sorry about your ship. The Starred Siren was beautiful.”
“It was, and I’ll miss her. But I don’t think you’ve climbed aboard this ship to partake in small talk, Oceanne.”
He heard her hitch of breath.
“Awfully presumptuous of you. What did you think I came for?”
He felt her take a step closer.
Adrian brought a hand up to adjust his blindfold, grinning.
“I think you came to see if I could put my money where my mouth was after our last ship conversation.”
There was a wave of fragrance as he felt Oceanne press into him. His cock instantly stood to attention in his trousers, his blood heating.
“And where would that be?”
He chuckled. “Clever.”
“Hm,” was all she replied. And then, gods damn it all, he felt the soft pad of a finger trace down his naked chest—he had Bare Cards to thank for the lack of garments.
“And how exactly would you do that without your sight?” she crooned. Her mouth must have been inches from his; he could feel her breath fan a cheek.
“You think I don’t know a woman’s body?” he drawled back. “I could make you come with my eyes closed. In fact,” he smirked, “I’ll prove it.”
“I’ve found that men who boast of their talents in the bedroom can rarely live up to their own tall tales.”
“Then tonight is a night for firsts. The first time I seduce a woman with a blindfold on, and the first time you experience what it really means to feel pleasure.”
He reached a hand out, gripping the nape of her neck with it. His thumb brushed behind her ear, and he felt her shiver.
With that hand, he pulled her face closer so their lips were a breath apart.
Her scent was stronger, enveloping his senses, and he bit back a groan.