Page 175 of Fallen Stars
This time Isra seemed to have more control than she’d had in her house; no frost coated Elara, and the seer didn’t begin to shake.
Elara waited, her heart drumming against her chest. She felt nauseous. She could hazard a guess as to what being tethered entailed, but she prayed and begged that Isra wouldn’t confirm her suspicions.
Finally, Isra’s muttering stopped, her eyes clearing as she looked between the two titans. She nodded once. Elara cursed.
“What?” Eli hissed.
“ElaraisEnzo’s tether,” Isra replied.
“Fuck!” Elara shouted, scraping her chair back.
“What does that mean?” Enzo asked quietly. Elara stilled. Selfish fool she had been, she’d forgotten about how he may feel with this news. She blinked back her fear and her tears.
Eli was beginning to pace the room, the rest of the group in various stages of confusion.
“It means my love, that I am the only thing keeping you in this world.” Enzo’s brow furrowed. “It means,” she sighed, “that I am the only thing keeping you alive.”
Chapter Sixty-One
“Well,” Adrian sighed, standing. “Thisseems personal and not much of my concern, so I’m heading to bed.”
An icicle whirled through the air, clipping Adrian’s ear as it impaled the wood of the door.
“Sit,” Isra snarled.
“What thefuck, Isra?”
“You may be a titan now, but you have just witnessed sensitive information about two very important people, information that in the wrong hands could be the end of them both. You do not leave this room until El or Enzo says you can.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I do apologise!” Adrian bent forward, a hand on his heart. “I forgot that I’m now a part of this heavenly group, one that seems fine with stabbing friends through the heart, conjuring ideas that we are born again titans, and communing with Stars of trickery and deceit. Sorry that I might not want to be dragged into your latestclusterfuck of revelations!”
He yelled the last part in Isra’s face. Any amusement had left her as she leaned until her face was centimetres away from his.
“I’ll shove the next icicle so far up your back end that you’ll be a human kebab for the crows,” she snarled. “Titan or not.”
Adrian paled.
“Rich, Adrian, to have qualms about Eli being with us when you’ve beenfuckinga Star yourself,” Elara snapped.
“For the last time, I didn’t bloodyknowshe was a Star,” Adrian hissed back.
“What?!” everyone exclaimed.
“Oh yes. We just discovered that Adrian made sweet love toCancialess than an hour ago.”
Eli chuckled as chaos ensued, everyone talking over one another as he shook his head. “Oh, Adrian. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“One thing at a time,please,” Adrian hissed.
“Everyone, calm down,” Merissa’s clear voice broke through the din. “Adrian already knows that if a word of this is breathed to anyone, he and everyone he loves will be carrion by sunrise.” Adrian rolled his eyes, slumping against the wall. “And it’s not him that we should be worried about blabbing. There isliterallya person in this room nicknamed Silvertongue.”
“That’s not why they call me that, sweetheart,” Eli smirked. “But if you want to find out where my nickname comes from, pay a visit to my room tonight.” He winked. Merissa’s cheeks flushed.
“Youarebeing awfully fucking quiet, Eli,” Leo murmured. “And you’re a Star. You’ve just gained vital information about a supposed enemy. How do we know you won’t soar to the heavens to tell your friends that they can kill two gods with one stone?”
“Since you want to be prejudiced about this, Merissa’s also part Star,” Eli replied. “You aren’t going to question her at all?”