Page 20 of Fallen Stars
“You ‘The Princess?’” he asked gruffly.
She narrowed her eyes. “Who are you?”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he sighed, thrusting a letter into her hand. “From his lordship, Star Eli.”
Elara’s eyes widened as a thrill settled in her. “This is from him?” she asked, tearing it open. The man nodded, stepping away.
“Look,” he sighed, throwing her a scrutinizing look. “I don’t know who you are or what you’ve got mixed up in to receive a summons from Eli himself.”
Elara inclined her head.
“But just… If you had anything to do with the massacre last night, if that’s why he’s sent for you… Then you had better understand that we don’t take kindly to outsiders fucking with our people. And you’re likely in for a whole world of pain.”
“Is that the best you could do?” Elara drawled, not even taking her gaze off the letter as she spoke. “That’s your big, ominous warning? Big, scary brute man?”
She chuckled softly. “Tell Eli that I wouldloveto meet him at his private club and that I can’t wait to catch up.”
She flashed the stranger a saccharine smile before promptly slamming the door in his face.
She leant against the doorframe for a moment, a small smile on her lips. This was a victory. A small one. But she haddonesomething, actually gotten Eli’s attention. She nodded to herself. For now, it was enough.
A small whine came from the bed, and she remembered then that she had a wounded wolf in her room.
“Shit.” This was going to be painful, having to explain to Merissa and Isra what had happened.
They are your friends, she chided herself.They will understand.
Still, Elara groaned as she went to seek them out.
She knocked softly on the adjoining room’s door, realising that the hour was still early, and Isra and Merissa didn’t usually see her until far later in the day.
Isra opened the door, her curls in disarray and a frown on her lips. “El?” She squinted, realising it really was her. “Fucking hell. Merissa, notify the papers. Hell has officially frozen over.”
“Why?” Merissa called from inside the room.
“Because Elara is awake and knocking on our door before midday.”
Elara scoffed, barging into the room and closing it swiftly. “Girls…”
Merissa was still in her bed, a silk sleeping mask propped above her brow. “El,” she breathed. “What in the hell has happened to your face?”
Isra turned back round then, frowning as she registered the bruising that the scarred prick had gifted Elara before he’d died. “Oh my gods,” she shouted as Elara stepped out of the shadows. “And is thatblood?”
“Keep your voices down,” Elara hissed. “Look, I really, really need your help.”
“What have you done?” Merissa wailed.
“Okay, promise you won’t judge me.”
“I’ve already started,” Isra retorted.
Elara sighed. “Last night I went to The Remains.”
“The Remains?!” Isra and Merissa exclaimed in unison.
“Great start, good non-judging,” Elara muttered. “Bigger picture, please. Look, I went there to try and find Eli. It’s the only area of the city we hadn’t searched yet.”
“I wonder why,” Merissa muttered. “Perhaps because it’s full of murderers and thieves?”