Page 208 of Fallen Stars
“Sit,” the god of wine and madness said, his tone terrifyingly light.
Enzo collapsed into a seat opposite Elara as Sagitton’s charm licked and whispered in her ear, begging her to lose all sense. She trembled.
“Sweet, sweet Moon,” Sagitton said. “Our saviour from darkness. But still it tap, tap, taps on my door.”
“Tap, tap, tap,” came a whisper, and Elara looked incredulously to where Isra was rising out of Lias’s arms, her eyes still white. “The hour is late, outside she waits, oh Lady Fate.”
“Don’t ever take up profession as a bard,” Eli drawled, swigging more of his wine as he also slung himself into a seat, kicking his legs onto the table. “Now what is this nonsense?”
“Enough of the pretence, Eli,” Sagitton said sharply, and the entire room stilled.
Eli chuckled. “Whatever do you mean?”
“I know what you’ve been up to, snake. I orchestrated the entire evening.”
Elara looked at Enzo whose eyes were wide. He shrugged his shoulders.
“Speak plainly,” Eli said, his tone unnervingly even as he observed Sagitton over his wineglass. Elara knew by now the look in his eyes, the one that had earned him the name of two-faced god. His eyes darkened, a wicked gleam in them.
“I have a guest who’s been waiting to meet you all,” Sagitton said. “It’s why you’re all here.”
Elara’s heart pounded. Oh gods, it was Ariete, and he was here to demand her payment. Footsteps clicked down the dark stone corridor as Elara stilled. She looked again at Enzo, whose gaze held hers. She could feel his warmth radiating towards her, trying to calm her. Then she stared at Eli, whose eyes grew wide as he sent a barely crafted thought to her
‘She’s here.’
Who?’Elara thought back, but Eli’s attention was on the figure backlit with candlelight. She trailed into the room, a hooded cloak on as she met the table. She passed Leo first.
“So pretty,” the figure murmured as she rang a long, painted red fingernail across Leo’s neck. Next, she passed Enzo. “And you, well, you might just blind me with your beauty.”
Elara scraped her chair back, standing. Nightmares crawled out from behind her, her illusioning under no control as it spun out of her.
Sagitton flinched, still muttering under his breath. “The wolf will come and eat you whole.”
Elara rolled her eyes at him as the figure halted, finally turning on a heel.
But as the woman pulled her hood back, there was no fear in her gaze. In fact, there was nothing but an air of faint amusement as she shrugged the cloak off, revealing a deep red corseted dress, and one of the most beautiful faces Elara had ever laid eyes on. The stranger began to drift towards her.
Elara took note of every feature, planning exactly how to carve up each one. Deep purple-red hair with streaks of gold fell in soft waves, intricate plaits woven throughout. A freckle was dotted above red-painted smirking lips, and her skin was tanned.
She recognised her, but from where? Then it dawned on her, her eyes widening. She had seen her face in the tarot cards within Ariete’s dreams.
“You,” Eli growled, sitting up straight.
The woman flashed a grin—all white teeth as she looked back to the god. “Like what you see?” she crooned.
“This is the witch,” Eli hissed. “The one I chased in Concordia.”
“Witch isn’t quite the word I’d use,” the woman replied, eyes dancing.
“Then who the fuck are you?” Elara demanded, trying desperately to recall which card the woman’s face had been painted on
The witch stopped in front of Elara, lifting her chin with a finger as her smile deepened.
“I’m Ophelia. The thirteenth Star.”
Chapter Seventy-One
Elara wrapped a hand aroundthe witch’s throat, her own sharpened fingernails digging into the skin as chaos ensued. Shouts started up, namely various stages of disbelief and cursing from the others.