Page 66 of Fallen Stars
He released Merissa and Isra, allowing them to walk forward a few steps before turning to Elara.
“El,” he said quietly, taking her arm with surprising gentleness as he pulled her further away from the other women. “I want to hear you say that you’re prepared. That you feel strong enough to do this. Because when we go in there… It is not just Enzo’s life that hangs in the balance. The moment we cross that threshold, it is yours, mine, and your friends’. If anything were to go wrong, I would be executed for treason.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re great at motivational speeches?” Elara replied, a smirk on her face. It didn’t fool Eli.
“Be careful. And be aware. You’re intelligent, but be sure to keep your wits about you. Remember our training. Who knows what tricks Ariete’s dreams may play on you.”
Elara forced her shoulders down and made herself hold Eli’s black stare. “I’m prepared,” she said, making sure her tone carried a velvet threat with it. He searched her eyes for a moment, before setting his jaw and nodding.
“Then I suppose we had better introduce The Ruby to its newest dancer.”
True to its name, ruby light poured out of the dancing club in front of them as Eli strolled forward. It was fascinating to Elara to watch how he transformed from the clever, contemplating god she had gotten to know over the last two weeks into the swaggering, immoral Star before her now. His lips were raised in a curl as he rapped twice with his knuckles on the deep red door in front of him. Elara could hear a thumping beat of music behind. Isra and Merissa were on either side of her, their arms threaded through hers. She could feel Merissa tremoring from the chill.
“Last chance—Iz, Mer? You really don’t have to do this.”
“Don’t be so stupid,” Merissa said, tutting. “We started this together. It will end together.”
Elara’s knees nearly buckled with relief. She had spent so long alone, without anyone to lean on that it had been second nature to assume her friends might want an out. They didn’t know how much their unwavering support meant to her.
The door swung open, and Elara took her chance to whisper to the two as Eli spoke to the doorman.
“Remember, the moment we get in, you both disperse. Charm, flirt, follow the cues of the other dancers. Whatever you have to do. I’ll make my way to the shadows and wait until Eli has located Ariete. Mer, I need you within hearing distance. Iz, you nearer the entrance in case we need a quick getaway. If we all play our parts, this should be over before we know it.”
They both nodded, lips tight. “Find the tether, and get out, Elara,” Isra said earnestly. “No matter what distractions Ariete’s dreams might ply you with. Ignore them all.”
Elara nodded just as Eli beckoned to the three. “Let the show begin.”
“These three came to me from Aphrodea, would you believe?” Eli called over to the doorman as he ushered the women into the narrow entrance hall. “And you know what they say about Aphrodeans…”
Elara tried to stop a sneer at the doorman’s chuckle as he ran his eyes appraisingly over the trio. She forced herself to keep her hands by her sides and not cover the exposed flesh, and had a feeling Isra and Merissa were doing the same.
“Follow me, girls,” he said.
“Ariete here?” Eli asked casually, scanning ahead as they followed them down the corridor into the red lit room where the music was pounding now.
“Of course he is. In the private suite as always,” the doorman grinned.
“That dirty dog.” Eli winked, tossing a midan to the man. “Girls?” he said, casting a differential eye to the room. “You, on the poles.” He gestured to Isra. “And you,” his eyes gleamed as he tugged Elara’s wrist and nodded to Merissa, “you two come with me.” He smirked to the doorman. “Ariete likes more than a handful,” he said.
Elara bit back her scoff and forced her eyes wide, her lips to pout, as though she was another adoring devotee, honoured to have been chosen by a Star. Merissa and Isra swished their hips as they followed.
The cavernous room they were led into was teeming with people, but it was the podiums that caught her attention. Thick poles stretched from the ground to the ceiling, made of—gods—actual ruby, the shining red gems glinting in the dim light. And twining around them were the dancers. A beautiful man, Kaosian by the look of his tanned skin and red hair, was performing, elaborate twists on the ruby pole as he moved sensuously, a crowd of men and women beneath him throwing coins to his feet as they watched. Further up she noticed an Altalunian, her hair giving off an iridescent blue sheen like the scales of a rainbow fish. Elara’s gaze lingered on her for a moment, admiring how the woman moved, another crowd before her captivated as the woman climbed elegantly up the pole and twirled back down.
She heard the voice in her head. “Fuck.”
It was Eli.
“Aquaria is here.”
Elara stilled. She threw her thoughts down the line as she had in Eli’s club. “What the fuck, Eli? I thought Ariete was going to be the only Star here.”
“I didn’t know,” he growled back. She saw his brow furrow, then Isra jerked beside her, her eyes flying to Eli’s. The two shared a look before Eli nodded.
“I think you’ll be just Aquaria’s type,” the Star said loudly, pulling a bewildered Isra along as Elara and Merissa waited by the room’s entrance.
Elara dared not turn, not even to catch Merissa’s eye and convey the worry she felt. Isra to her credit didn’t balk once, instead fluffing her curls out and swaggering over to a dim table where, yes, Aquaria was reclining, women dancing around her as she smoked from a pipe filled with what looked like aphrosmoke. Eli bent over, saying a few words to Isra before parting, as Isra played her part.
“Girls?” he said to Merissa and Elara. “Ready?”