Page 52 of With This Ring
“That’s the one.”
Parker’s eyebrows lifted. “Butter-yellow obsession? I need to hear this story.”
Dakota explained her conversation with the bride’s mother. “The mother seemed skeptical about my stock. But when she and her daughter came in, not only did the bride find dresses she liked, but she also decided to purchase her gown at my store. The bridesmaids are coming to order their gowns next week.”
“Bravo.” Kayleigh gave her a high five.
They ate in silence for a few moments.
Parker forked another piece. “This lasagna is delicious.”
“I’m glad you like it, but honestly, it came out of a box.” Dakota picked up a piece of garlic bread. “This too. I wish I had more time for cooking.”
Yet another reason this double date had been a bad idea. Here she was spending another Thursday night with Parker when she should have been working late. Since she was committed to lessons at the skating rink on her weekend nights, she ought to be spending her weeknights at the store. Among other things that made her feel behind, she’d hardly made any progress on Layla’s gown, despite the looming deadline. She was too busy for this double date.
Parker’s smile was warm and genuine. “Regardless, the lasagna and the bread are superb.”
“Very good,” Brice agreed.
Kayleigh’s expression was filled with concern. “Should we go get the dessert, Dakota?” Her words were measured, as if trying to convey a hidden meaning.
But a noise next door yanked Dakota’s attention away. Across the yard, Hudson stood on the colonial’s enormous back deck and leaned over the railing with his phone to his ear. His voice was a deep murmur, and he looked completely engrossed in the conversation and unaware of his audience. He had changed into blacksweatpants and a gray hoodie, and his dark hair was wet as if he’d just stepped out of the shower.
Who was he talking to? A coworker? A girlfriend? Jealousy stung her.
“Dakota...,” Kayleigh began. “Did you hear what I said? Should we go get the dessert now?”
Brice turned toward where Hudson stood on the deck. “How awkward is it that your ex is staying next door?”
Parker’s gaze toggled between Brice and Dakota. “Wait. Your ex lives next door to you?”
Kayleigh began piling up their empty plates. “He doesn’t live there. It’s just an Airbnb. He’s only there temporarily.”
“Oh.” Parker’s brow puckered, and he looked confused or possibly concerned.
“Come to the kitchen with me, Dakota,” Kayleigh ordered as she gathered up the rest of the dinner plates. “Now.”
Dakota picked up their utensils and followed her best friend into the kitchen.
Kayleigh placed the dishes in the sink. “You’ve been in another world all evening. What’s going on with you?”
“I think I’m losing it.” Dakota leaned back against the counter and scrubbed her hand down her face. When she felt something soft rubbing against her shin, she glanced down at Trouble, blinking up at her. She gave his soft head a pat. “Remember when I got home earlier and you asked me over the phone if I was okay?”
Kayleigh nodded.
“Hud was here.” She pointed toward the house next door. Then she explained how he had helped her with her groceries and taken a tour of the house. “He was so... nice. It was weird. Almost like we’d gone back in time to when things were good between us.” Shecupped her hand to her forehead. “I have to keep reminding myself he’s not my friend. He broke my heart. I can’t trust him. I can’t even be around him.”
Trouble meowed, and she filled his bowl with dry food before he began stuffing his face. The cat had a bottomless pit for a stomach.
She took in Kayleigh’s concerned face. “I’m still attracted to him, and it’s confusing and unnerving. I wish he’d just go back to New York and stay out of my life.” She groaned and shook her head. “You don’t have to tell me I’m crazy, Kay, because I know I am.”
Kayleigh’s expression clouded. “I need you to listen to me. Hud hurt you once, and he’ll do it again. He’s here for Layla’s wedding and then he’ll be gone. If you get involved with him, you’ll regret it. Trust me.”
“I know, I know.” Dakota held her arms up. “I guess the right thing is to avoid him, because every time he’s around, I feel him unlocking another piece of my heart. I can’t give him that power.”
“Exactly. Parker is here, and it’s obvious he likes you. If you like him, then you should concentrate on him and not Hud.”