Page 92 of Boxed In
You could have taken her to bed with you.
And made love with a bullet wound in my leg?
You could have lain on your back and enjoyed her attentions. She would have been glad to accommodate you.
The warrior suddenly filled his head with some very vivid and very erotic pictures. Luke felt his body instantly respond.
I guess you’re recovering nicely from the gunshot.
Shut up, Luke growled. Are you still thinking that you can control women in this century?
I wasn’t suggesting control. I was thinking about cooperation.
And then what? Luke challenged. Are you pretending that I have a future with her?
To his gratification, the warrior was silent.
Everything’s going to change in a few hours. I have no idea who Luke Garner is going to be when you complete your assignment and leave.
Are you afraid of proceeding on your own? the warrior instantly asked.
I’m not going to answer that, Luke shot back. For all the good the denial did him. He knew that Zabastian could read him as easily as he’d read that strange language on the computer screen.
I apologize for interrupting your life, the warrior suddenly said.
Luke was astonished by the silent words. When the warrior had first taken over his body, he hadn’t cared how the arrangement affected Luke.
We should sleep while we have the chance. Then we can return the box.
And there’s still a chance that both of us can end up dead? Luke clarified.
Let us be optimistic, the warrior answered. Luke caught something lurking at the edge of Zabastian’s thoughts. He wanted to get some clarification, but before he could continue the conversation, he felt his brain and body go into shutdown mode.
He tried to shout a protest, but he didn’t get the chance.
A knock on the door woke Olivia. She looked at the clock on the bedside table and realized she’d slept for another seven hours.
“Come in,” she called out.
Beth opened the door, carrying a tray with a mug of something.
“The doctor’s power formula,” Beth said when Olivia took a cautious sip.
“It’s not too bad.”
“You need energy, and it’s the fastest way to get it.”
The other woman was also holding a dark plastic garment bag.
“Luke asked you to wear this,” she said, discarding the covering. Inside was a dress that looked like something she might have worn to church on Easter Sunday. It was blue silk with a matching jacket. Delicate underwear, pantyhose and high-heeled shoes were also included in a separate bag.
“Kind of fancy,” she murmured.
“I guess the Temple of the Moon is kind of fancy,” Beth answered.
“Have you ever heard that it was in Baltimore?” Olivia asked.