Page 52 of Bedroom Therapy
Amanda sat in the living room, her eyes focused on the television set. Zach had said he’d be about an hour, and she told herself she could still go down the hall and tell him she’d changed her mind. But she knew she wasn’t going to disappoint him that way. Or disappoint herself.
She kept her unseeing gaze on the television screen and played with the fringe of the throw that she’d folded over the back of the sofa. The robe lay on the sofa beside her.
Should she put it on? And sit here feeling half naked? No, she’d wait until he told her he was ready.
She could hear him in the bedroom, moving things around. What was he doing in there?
Well, she supposed she’d find out soon.
She’d led a pretty tame life, and this was the craziest thing she’d ever agreed to do. And also the most exciting. She could already feel moisture gathering between her legs. Why?
Well, because Zach had asked her to do it.
She was too keyed up to sit still just waiting for what was to happen. Then an idea struck her. Instead of sitting here with her nerves jumping, she could definitely find something to occupy her time.
Quickly she hurried down the hall, glanced furtively at the closed bedroom door, then slipped into the bathroom, where she opened her makeup kit. Inside was a bottle of red nail polish, which she’d thought she might use while she was down here. She hadn’t bothered with the stuff—until now.
Grinning, she brought the bottle back to the couch.
After using rolls of tissue to hold her toes apart, she began to polish her toenails.
When she finished, she admired the effect. She was thinking of touching up the little toe on her left foot when she heard the bedroom door open. Then footsteps came slowly down the hall, making a zing of electricity go through her. Quickly, she lowered her legs, hiding her feet under the coffee table.
Zach walked back into the room, picked up the remote control from the coffee table, and clicked off the set.
When he turned to her, the intensity of his eyes was like a searchlight. She might have ducked away; instead, she raised her head questioningly toward him—struggling to keep herself steady without taking her lower lip between her teeth.
“It’s time to put on that robe,” he said, and she knew from the little break in his voice that he wasn’t as calm and collected as he looked.
She stood, stiffening her legs when she felt herself start to sway. Reaching down, she gathered up the garment.
“I’ll put it on. But you have to do something for me, too.”
“Take off your shirt. If we’re going to do this, I need to see your naked chest.”
“I can do better than that,” he growled.
“You’ll have to wait and see, won’t you?”
She looked away from the gleam in his eyes, once again questioning her sanity. Her mouth was dry as she snatched up the robe and headed for the bathroom.
Zach stood with his pulse pounding in his ears as he watched Amanda disappear into the bathroom. She was really going to do it. At least he hoped to hell she wasn’t going to chicken out now.
The sound of the lock clicking released him. Shaking his head to clear away the fog, he headed for his own room.
He never wore pajamas. But he’d spent some time considering how he should be dressed for this evening’s activities. Seeing a display of very sexy looking men’s nightwear had helped him make up his mind.
He’d picked out a burgundy pair of pajamas with a subtle pattern of navy stripes.
Closing the door to his room, he began to pull off his clothing. First his shoes. Then his shirt. Finally his slacks and shorts. The last part was a little difficult to manage because he was so turned on that his huge swollen erection was definitely in the way.