Page 58 of Bedroom Therapy
“I want to taste you. All of you,” he growled. Leaning over, he nibbled at her collarbone, then swept the hollow of her throat with his tongue.
“Let me,” he murmured, and he began to nibble and lick his way down her body.
She lay back and closed her eyes, his mouth sending a tide of heat sweeping through her.
He was good at this, good at all the skills of pleasing a woman.
He played with her abdomen, then combed his fingers through the curly triangle of hair just below.
“I wanted to do that. I ached to touch you.”
“And I ached for you to do it,” she told him.
He didn’t answer, only lowered his head, finding her throbbing sex with his mouth, making her moan with the pleasure of his skilled caress.
He brought her to another mind-blowing climax, using his tongue and his lips, two of his fingers sliding in and out of her as he worked her clit with his mouth.
And she was helpless to do anything besides dig her fingers into his hair and let him have his way with her.
Afterwards, she knitted her fingers with his, holding him beside her because she suspected he might be getting ready to leave the bed.
“Stay with me.”
“I should let you rest.”
“I want you to sleep here. Please don’t leave.”
Long seconds passed while she waited for his answer. “You’re not afraid I’m going to wake up and try to strangle you?”
“Not at all.”
He waited a moment, and she held her breath, knowing he might still leave.
Finally he said, “Okay. But I should blow out the candles. And turn off the light.”
She let out the breath she’d been holding. As she watched him move about the room, dousing the flames, her gaze dropped to the front of his pajamas. He was as hard as he’d been when they’d sat across from each other on the bed, but she had the feeling he wasn’t going to let her do anything about it.
“Let me get the covers and get rid of some of these pillows.”
She watched him remove the pile of pillows from the far end of the bed, then open the closet and come back with a sheet and blanket, which he spread over the bed, before climbing underneath with her.
His total focus was on the domestic tasks, as though he were distancing himself from her.
In the darkness she asked, “Can I do anything for you?”
“I’m fine,” he said in a tight voice that told her he didn’t want to say any more.
She had learned enough about him not to press the point. But as she moved some of the pillows to the floor beside the bed, she was thinking that he had done this before. Kept her from giving him the release that most guys would demand. In fact, the only times he’d climaxed had been . . . when she wasn’t touching him.
There was always a period when a man couldn’t get an erection after having an orgasm. But Zach was clearly aroused. That wasn’t the problem.
So what was going on here?
She wanted to turn the light back on and demand that they have a discussion about why he was denying himself additional sexual satisfaction. Because she knew this wasn’t the right time to talk about it, she pretended she was perfectly content to let things stand as she snuggled down beside him.