Page 117 of Escape Velocity
“I didn’t think you were coming back,” she finally said.
“If I hadn’t killed LaTour I wouldn’t have been able to face you. Not after I let Tudor get his hands on you like that.”
Those words and what must be the strained look on his face sent her flying across the room, where she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.
“You didn’t let him do anything,” she said. “His spy told him we were here. He planned how to grab us.”
“I should have . . .”
She raised one hand and pressed it over his mouth. “Stop blaming yourself for something you couldn’t control. I’m the one who thought we should come to the Inheritors. If anyone is at fault, it’s me.”
He pried her hand away. “No.”
She glared at him. “I think you cannot see reason.”
He glared back, unwilling to give way. But she looked equally adamant. How could they possibly resolve the situation?
Her next words astonished him. “I think I must punish you.”
Had he heard her right? “What?” he choked out.
“You feel guilty.”
“Of course I do.”
“There is a remedy. Remember how much better I felt when you punished me for trying to kill Rafe?”
“Perhaps I can . . . do the same for you.”
He dragged in a breath and let it out. She could be right. He couldn’t let go of the conviction that he had wronged her. And maybe she was the only one who could absolve him.
“Punish me how?” he asked in an uncertain voice.
Her voice was stern. “You will find out when I do it.”
Amber swallowed hard. The idea of punishment had leaped into her head as she’d taken in the distress on his face. But where was this leading—exactly? Well, she had better act like she knew what she was doing.
One thing was sure, she was an expert at punishment although until now she’d always been on the receiving end.
She met his eyes with a steady gaze. “Will you let me be the master over you now?”
He didn’t answer for long seconds, and she waited with every cell in her body vibrating.
When he finally answered, “yes,” she let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.
Trying to sound bold, she raised her chin and said. “Then from now until I say so, I will be in total charge of your body.”
He tipped his head to one side, as he considered the implications. “Are you talking about tying me up?”
“I’m talking about obedience.”
“What . . . uh . . . does that mean?”
She stiffened her posture and made her voice hard. “It means I want you naked on your back on the bed. With your arms spread out to your sides. And I expect you to stay that way, until I say you can move.”