Page 62 of Escape Velocity
“Ah. Desire for what?”
“For you,” she said in a choked voice.
His own desire leaped inside him, but he said only, “Hands at your sides.”
She obeyed the order, swaying slightly.
“You desire the man who punished you?”
She hesitated for a moment. “Because you charged us both up.”
“Are you truly sorry you attacked Rafe?” he asked.
“Step forward.”
She looked uncertain as she obeyed.
When she did, he reached for her, pulling her into his arms.
He wanted to say he was sorry that he’d punished her that way. But he knew it was better than whipping her as she’d first proposed. And he also knew that if he said he was sorry, that might negate the punishment in her eyes.
His skin burned against hers as he backed up, taking her down to the pile of bedding he’d thrown on the bay floor.
He laid her on her back, this time entering her in one swift stroke, his hips starting to move the moment he was inside her. She matched the frantic rhythm he set, and moments later, he cried out as climax grabbed him. She kept moving, her hips rising and falling, and he felt her inner muscles clench as she came again.
He stayed inside her, rolling to his side and cradling her in his arms, stroking her and kissing her.
“That wasn’t what I expected,” she whispered.
“Me neither.”
“How do you mean?”
“I didn’t know it would charge me up like that,” he admitted.
“You’ve never done anything like that before?”
“I’m glad.”
“It’s something we shared together—for the first time.”
He reached to pull some of the covers over them, cradling her against himself.
“We’d better get something straight. I’m not your master,” he said.
“I’ve been in captivity for so long, it’s hard to realize I don’t have a master.”
“I know,” he answered, trying to imagine what it would be like to belong to someone—to not be free. “You did pretty well when you tricked me into rescuing you,” he murmured.