Page 64 of Escape Velocity
Chapter Fourteen
Max stirred beside Amber. When he sat up, she caught the serious expression on his face.
“I want you to understand something important. I punished you because you were very insistent. I’m not going to punish you again for something you did or didn’t do.”
“But . . .” she tried to interrupt.
“Let me finish. I saw I couldn’t fight your value system when you were so set on having a ‘master’ responsible for your fate. But you’re not a slave anymore. You’re free. And you’re going to have to deal with the consequences of your actions on your own.”
She took her bottom lip between her teeth. “My whole life turned upside down.”
“You’re the one who turned it—by tricking me into rescuing you.”
“I tricked you, yes,” she said in a low voice. “Because I was desperate.”
“I understand that. But we’re going to stop looking backward now. We’re going to figure out how to neutralize Tudor.”
She answered with a small nod, wondering if it were possible to defeat the powerful man and at the same time wondering what would happen after that. It was still hard to come to grips with her freedom. She’d told herself she was going to escape or die trying. And secretly she had always thought it would be the latter. Could she go on with her life in a way most people would consider normal? And another question loomed. When all this was over, did Max still intend to leave her on some planet at the edge of civilization?
She struggled to keep her expression neutral. She wasn’t going to bring that up. They had work to do, and she intended to focus on defeating Tudor before she lost her nerve.
Amber went back to the guest room for the night. She’d wondered if she would be able to sleep. Apparently, it wasn’t a problem because she woke to hear voices from the galley. Max and Rafe were already up and planning their next moves.
She saw that Max had put the bag with her new clothing inside the cabin. She dressed quickly in one of the outfits she’d picked out the day before, then stopped to look at herself in the mirror, swaying one way and then the other as she swirled the long skirt. She liked the way it hugged her curves and then flared out below her hips.
Down the hall, she could hear the two men talking in the galley, their voices muted. Were they talking about her? She was pretty sure Max wouldn’t tell his friend about what had happened after they’d left him, but she couldn’t keep her nerves from jumping as she stepped into the room.
Both looked up as she entered, and she went still.
After a moment of silence, Max asked, “Did you sleep okay?”
The bland exchange did not make her feel any calmer.
“Why were you keeping your voices so low?” she blurted.
“So, we wouldn’t wake you,” Max answered.
She studied his face, trying to determine if that was the real reason. “Okay.”
Rafe had stayed out of the conversation. Now he asked, “Do you want some coffee?”
“That’s what you’re drinking?”
The tempting aroma wafting from the cups was rich and full of a flavor she had never smelled before.
She dragged in a deep breath. “It smells good.”
“It’s a mild stimulant. A lot of people drink it to wake up in the morning. Some people drink it all day. Others have to stop so it won’t keep them up at night,” Max answered.
She nodded.