Page 5 of Weston
“That region is combustible,” Mitch answered, tone deadly serious.
Good. Wes was glad it was chaotic because that would make hunting these assholes down and getting revenge even easier.
“The pirates in this area are considered to be among the most dangerous and nefarious in the world,” Mitch added. “Be smart and, above all, be careful.”
“We will,” Brand assured him.
“Keep in touch. I want daily reports,” Mitch said.
“Roger. We’ll talk soon.” Brand nodded at Wes who disconnected the call. “Let’s figure out a plan.”
“Yeah, time to hang some pirates,” Wes said, voice low and deadly. He planned to kill every last one. For his own piece of mind, but, most importantly, for Ellie.
Chapter Three
Once they’d gone over the intel and talked potential courses of action, the team studied a map and pinpointed every known attack that had happened over the past two years, including Ellie’s. They all occurred within the same general vicinity in the South China Sea, near a cluster of Indonesian islands.
“Chances are their HQ is in that general area, too,” Brand mused.
“Right,” Chaz agreed. “They’re going to want somewhere close and accessible to stash their haul fast.”
“Problem is, Indonesia is comprised of over seventeen-thousand islands,” Xander informed them.
“We only need to focus on the smaller islands in this area,” Jayson said, dragging his finger in a circle on the map. “The ones closest to the attacks, if our assumption is correct and their hideout is close.”
“That’s a big if.” Xander’s voice was filled with doubt.
“Have some faith, Hawke,” Lex said.
“Lost that a long time ago,” Xander replied, blue eyes darkening. No one asked and he didn’t elaborate.
“When do we leave?” Wes was champing at the bit to get the hell out of Montana.
“Lex?” Brand asked, deferring to their pilot.
“We’re looking at about a seventeen-hour flight, boys, so as soon as you pack your neck pillows, blood pressure pills and compression socks, it’s wheels up.”
“Such a funny guy.” Chaz rolled his eyes.
“Don’t worry, Chaz, since you’re a senior, I won’t make you take your shoes off before boarding. You know, for security purposes.”
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
They all chuckled.
“Get packed,” Brand said, checking the large watch on his wrist, “then let’s meet back here in thirty minutes and we’ll head straight to the airport. The good news is Mitch is providing us with plenty of new equipment and transpo.”
“Thank Christ. No offense, Lex, but I don’t think your piece of shit plane would’ve gotten us all the way to Indonesia,” Corey stated, and they all laughed.
“That’s the fucking truth,” Wes agreed, and he and Corey bumped knuckles. He was glad to see Corey in better spirits and mission-ready. Plus, he needed his best friend there with him when the time came to hunt down the assholes responsible for taking Ellie away from him. This op wasn’t going to be easy, but Wes had a feeling it was going to be good for him. Finally give him the opportunity to get his revenge. Or, so he hoped.
The drive back to his place wasn’t far, but it was just long enough for him to start flipping through the radio stations and stumble upon the one song with the power to wreck him.Fuck.“She’s Got a Way” by Billy Joel. Every time he heard it, thoughtsof Ellie consumed him. Each line could’ve been written just for her and it had always been their song. He’d once serenaded her with it in the rain, and they’d danced to it at their wedding.
It was nearly dark by the time he reached his house. He didn’t really call it home because any place without Ellie was merely a building made of bricks and concrete. The essence of what could’ve made it so special, so warm, cozy and full of love, was long gone. Wes’ throat tightened with emotion and the driveway blurred as he turned in and parked. The onslaught of memories pounded through him, leaving his poor heart wrung out and his cheeks wet. Anger and raw emotion roared through him, and he slammed a fist against the steering wheel.
Why didn’t it get any easier?
Because she was your everything,a little voice reminded him.The reason you breathed, smiled and loved.