Page 9 of Weston
Brand grabbed a marker, leaned over the map spread out on the table, and pointed to two adjacent islands. “Our target was busy last night. Chief said they attacked a boat, killed the crew and cleaned out the valuables.” He circled the two small islands. “Witnesses saw the pirates take off in this direction.”
Brand drew a line straight to the islands. Wes’ heart kicked up at the new intel and he clenched his fists. His entire body thrummed with the need to seek his long-overdue vengeance. Now, it was so close he could taste it—the sweetly strange taste of metal. Metallic, like the blood he was itching to spill.
“I think Mitch just saved us a shitload of precious time,” Chaz said.
Wes squinted, studying the map closely, trying to determine which island would be the better option. “Are they inhabited?” he asked.
“That’s what we need to find out,” Brand stated.
“I’m guessing it’s not their HQ,” Xander said thoughtfully. “More than likely, they have a spot where they dump their stash til things cool off.”
“Probably,” Jayson mused.
Wes didn’t comment, just dug his nails into his palms, but he knew the location was important. His gut told him it would lead them directly to the pirates.
“We’ll head straight there,” Brand announced. “Do some recon. Check out both islands and get the lay of the land.”
“It might make sense to split up then,” Xander suggested.
“Half the team goes to this island and the other half goes to that one,” Chaz said, stabbing his finger on each location. “What do you think, Brand?”
“I agree. Murph, Corey, Lex and Hawke, we’ll drop you guys off here. Jay, Chaz and I will go to the other island and scope it out. Report anything suspicious and we’ll be ready to back each other up as needed.”
“Roger that,” they all responded.
After gathering their gear, the team left the safehouse and returned to the faux fishing boat. Wes was so ready to find these assholes, he could barely sit still. The anticipation was killing him and it felt like he was about to jump out of his skin. He could sense the other guys’ gazes on him, feel their concern.
Heshouldassure them he wouldn’t lose his shit and go all kamikaze. But he couldn’t make that promise. The only promise he could make was the one in his heart to Ellie—that he would decimate every last fucking pirate he could get his hands on.
After a twenty-minute ride, Jayson maneuvered the boat into a cove and dropped anchor. After lowering the Zodiac, they climbed down into it and got situated. They were geared up to the teeth and ready for anything.
Once the Zodiac hit the shore, Wes, Corey, Lex and Xander jumped out.
“Remember, recon only,” Brand reminded them. “If you find something or run into any trouble, radio us.”
Wes gave him a nod then turned to face the jungle. They’d memorized the landscape from maps and drone imagery and immediately turned south, heading down to the part of the island where the terrain became more rugged, dotted with cliffs and coves. Perfect pirate lairs.
Wes had never been a fan of humping through the jungle, but an excitement was building inside him and he pressed himself hard, moving faster than he probably should. Would he pay for it later? Absolutely. Did he care as long as it led to Ellie’s killers? Fuck no. Bring on the goddamn blisters, he had salve.
When they reached the far side of the tropical island, the group hunkered down behind a large cluster of jagged rocks. Wes looked out over the land ahead, mentally cataloging the layout—in particular, the cave openings and drop-offs. The last thing he wanted to do was stumble on the uneven ground and fall over the edge. He was also searching for the best potential hiding spots and zeroed in on a craggy opening. “There,” he said, pointing at the dark cave entrance.
“What’s so special about that one?” Xander asked, squinting.
“The opening is lower than the others,” Wes murmured. “Makes it undetectable from out on the water.”
“Exactly,” Corey agreed. “Plus, it probably gets dangerous when the tide rises. Fills up fast, I bet.”
“Perfect deterrent for the curious and a great place to temporarily stash some booty,” Lex concluded.
“Let’s find these assholes,” Wes grumbled.
The men moved forward in single file formation, low and fast. Corey guided them straight to the cave’s entrance and they split apart, half on one side of the yawning opening, half on the other. They waited a moment, listening, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“Xander, you’re our lookout.” Corey glanced over at Wes and Lex. “Let’s check it out.”
Moving on pure adrenaline, Wes, Corey and Lex stalked forward while Xander stood guard at the entry, not looking happy at all, but whatever. Corey knew there was no way Wes was going to babysit the entrance, and he appreciated his friend’s silent vote of confidence.
Pulling their night vision goggles down, lifting their Glocks, the men walked into the darkness.