Page 31 of The Way We Score
I take a step closer. “Maybe we can dance again… at the wedding.” I want to keep her here with me a little longer, but I’m fumbling for what to say to make her stay. “I liked dancing with you the other night.”
Holding her in my arms was pretty incredible.
She nods, exhaling with a wistful smile. “I liked it, too.”
She takes another step up, and I take another step closer. “Liv?”
She hesitates, looking down at me confused. “Yes?”
“I was just thinking, it’s really late.”
“I know.” Her brow quirks.
“I heard somebody say one time, what happens after midnight doesn’t count.”
I move closer, and now I’m on the step just below her. At my height, it puts our faces on the same level. I’m close enough to inhale the soft jasmine of her skin, to see the way her lashes flutter as she blinks down to my chest.
“What doesn’t count?” Her voice is a soft whisper.
“Like if I kissed you goodnight… Would that be okay?” I’m holding the reins, but my voice cracks with the longing twisting in my chest. How would it feel to have one more hit of cherry lips? “Just for old times sake?”
Her thick lashes flutter, and I’m hanging by a thread.
“I don’t know…” She seems to be filtering through all the reasons. “Is that a good idea?”
I swallow the air in my throat. “That’s the best part. It’s after midnight, so it doesn’t count.”
Green eyes capture mine, so serious. “I think for us it always counts.”
Moving slowly, I put my hand on her waist, remembering how good it felt to hold her close when we danced, remembering how good it all felt.
“Sure, but this time…” My voice is quiet. “It’ll be our secret.”
She puts her hand on my shoulder, and I take another step. Now I’m all the way close, looking down at her bright eyes, her pillow lips, dewy in the moonlight. Her breasts rise with her breath, slightly faster, and I’m so tired of fighting. It’s so late, and not so long ago we were both asleep mere inches apart.
“It’s still night.” I move closer. “Pretend it’s a dream.”
A wish. A memory…
Her body sways closer to mine, and we’re chest to chest. I don’t know who caves first, but another breath and we’re together.
My warm lips cover her full ones, and they slide before parting. Tongues curl and caress, and breaths mingle. My arms tighten around her waist, and I pull her, lifting her fully against my body.
Her fingers curl at my neck before moving higher to trace into my hair. She whimpers softly and a low groan vibrates in my chest. My arms tighten at her waist, and hers wrap around my neck. We’re clinging to each other like we can’t get enough.
Faster kisses, my lips nip and pull hers before tracing a line to her jaw. Dragging my teeth along her skin, I could devour her. She exhales a whimper, and my dick jumps.
Fuck, I can’t even let my mind go to sex. It’s too much.
We’re holding so tightly, but she’s the first to break the spell. Her body stiffens, and her hands unclasp, sliding down to my biceps before stopping, gently pushing.
“We’re really tired, and it’s late. We shouldn’t let things get… blurry.” Her voice is thick now, and it’s physically painful to let her go.
Nothing about this moment for me is blurry. It’s sharp as glass. I want her.
Still, I can’t force her.
Nodding, I don’t speak through the ache in my throat. I lift my hand, lightly tracing the line of her jaw, forcing a smile, before turning away and practically jogging back the way I came.