Page 40 of The Way We Score
My younger brother’s not letting me off that easy.
What happened?
Her mom hasn’t needed her walker for a week.
Is that code? I don’t get it.
She had to get back to work. I’m walking down for breakfast. Where are you?
Meet you there.
Is it possible to walk bowlegged from having too much sex? Is there such a thing as too much sex? These are all questions I’d be asking the brothers in the chat, and yeah, I’d be a little braggy about it… But I don’t think Liv would like it. She wouldn’t want me discussing our sex life with them, so I won’t.
I rub a hand over the back of my neck. What makes me think she even cares?
“What the hell?” Craig sits back on his stool when I enter the kitchen. “Why does your face look like that?”
The tall slim guy I didn’t officially meet last night, but who I know to be formerly closeted Clint stands beside him. They’re both dressed in jeans and T-shirts, and their hair is neatly messy. If we were in that kind of town, they’d look like hipsters on the way to a specialty coffee shop.
As it is, we’re in the kitchen of Cooters & Shooters, and the only coffee here is drip.
I can’t say for sure, but I think we’re all a little tired and-slash-or hungover.
“Good morning to you, too.” I walk over to the pot of coffee and pour me a cup.
“Why do you look like somebody kicked your dog? Did Liv throw you out of bed? Were you snoring too loud?”
My brows quirk, and I shake my head. “Actually, I think she was trying to slip out without waking me.”
Clint’s lips twist in an empathetic frown, but he doesn’t say anything, thankfully.
Craig, by contrast, who grew up with all of us and who has known everybody since forever, including Liv, sits back and crosses his arms. “So what happened? Liv doesn’t play games, and she wasallup in your grill last night.”
I take a long, slow drink of comforting, hot coffee, and I kick around all the thoughts that have been warring in my head since she said she’d better get going when I caught her with one foot out the door at five a.m.
She was so pretty in the morning glow. Her cheeks were scuffed from my beard. Her lips were swollen from all the kisses… all the many,manykisses. I ate her pussy, she sucked my cock, she rode me backwards and forwards. At one point, we came so hard, we made monkey noises. Yet, there she was, barely making eye-contact as she thanked me for a nice evening.
A nice evening.
“I think it was sort of a rebound-type deal. You know, for both of us.” I put the mug down and stare at it, not wanting to meet their eyes.
Rebound. It’s what I settled on after she left with a polite smile, and an even more polite kiss.
It was so fucking nice, you’d never have known I’d had the tip of my dick in her ass for a good ten minutes while she yelped like a puppy.
“What does that mean?” Craig’s face squints with a disapproving frown. “Rebound from who?”
I take another long sip of coffee, thinking how this hot, dark liquid sort of helps. I’m not about to tell him I wasn’t rebounding from anyone. I haven’t seriously dated anyone since I moved to New York, and being with her last night had me thinking all kind of crazy long-term, rekindling thoughts.
I was all in. Still…
“I don’t want to share her private business, but I think we all know she was married.”