Page 78 of The Way We Score
Do you want a boy or a girl?
It’s ten o’clock at night, and I’m lying on the sofa watching an old episode ofThe Wireand wishing I was in Newhope with Liv.
A week has passed, and I miss her every single day. The book says her body is changing all the time, and our baby is the size of a lime now.
I want a healthy baby.
Everyone says that, but everyone secretly has a preference. Tell me yours.
Yesterday, I had a meeting with my coach and the team owner to ask about being let out of my contract. I told them about the baby and how I didn’t want to be so far away during Liv’spregnancy.
They weren’t sold on the idea, and I can’t say I blame them. Guys have babies all the time, and it’s not like Liv and I are married.
I also tried to play up the skill of the other linemen. I was actually glad Ricky has been such a disappointment this season, since it hasn’t had me in the spotlight as much as I was when Logan was here.
My hope is, since I’ve been on the team longer than five years, I’d be considered a vested player, in which case, they’d let me go without a fine or legal action. I’d like to think I’ve got a good enough relationship with them for that.
We left it with them willing to consider it.
I didn’t say what I was thinking, which is I’ve made my decision. There’s no room for consideration anymore, only whether we’ll part amicably or not. My hope is we will.
I really don’t care.
Spill it, Bradford.
I can hear her playful voice, and it makes me chuckle. Leaning my head against the cushions, I think about the question. It doesn’t take long to decide.
I’d like a baby girl, but I’d like her to have a big brother.
So you want a boy?
Twisting my lips, I decide fuck it. I’m going there.
I’d still like a baby girl, so I guess we’ll have to do all this again.
Gray dots appear then disappear on the screen. Then they’re back. And they’re gone. I start to laugh imagining I threw her for a loop with that one.
The book states emphatically expectant fathers should not talk about having more babies while the expectant mother ispregnantunless he wants his ass handed to him. The book doesn’t say that last part, but I’m pretty good at inferences.
Let’s just take this one baby at a time.
So you’re open to the possibility?
Goodnight, Champ.
You asked.
“What’sthis I hear about you leaving the team?” Charlie jogs to catch up with me as we’re walking to the stadium for our Sunday night game.